Analysis of targeted capture data (Angiosperms353 bait sets) in Orchis populations from a hybrid zone

This repository includes scripts for the analysis of targeted capture data (Angiosperms353 baits) from populations of Orchis spp. from a hybrid zone (O. militaris, O. purpurea and their hybrids, including some individuals of O. anthropophora and O. simia). The associated manuscript is in preparation (Bersweden L., Gargiulo R. et al.; updates about the manuscript will be shared here). Part of the workflow was adapted from one of the tutorials at the ConGen2021 workshop.

Table of contents

-Directory description

-Programmes used


Directory description

-scripts: contains scripts for GATK and miscellaneous. Most of the analyses were run using SLURM on KewHPC, but info about job scheduling has been removed from the scripts.
-etc: contains other files used (sample lists, gene lists, etc.): blacklist, samplelist
-Other directories (not included in this repository) but referred to in the scripts:
--data: contains fastq files (post fastqc and trimmomatic);
--results: contains all results

Programmes and tools used

bcftools/1.13; bwa/0.7.17; gatk/; HybPiper/1.3; plink2; samtools/1.13


Running HybPiper to retrieve coding sequences and introns (Angiosperms353 bait set)

For the HybPiper pipeline (including intronerate with the option supercontig), please refer to the HybPiper documentation here and here.

Genes/samples excluded

After HybPiper, I created a blacklist of genes (in etc/blacklist) for which either:
-no sequence was retrieved;
-one sequence in one individual was retrieved;
-sequences were only occurring in non-parental species, i.e. O. anthropophora and O. simia). Samples for which fewer than 50 genes were found were also removed; the final list of samples analysed is in: etc/samplelist.

1) Creating reference sequences

Based on the file gene_lengths.txt output by hybpiper, the samples (parental species) for which we have retrieved the longest sequences are:

O81 - Orchis militaris

O171 - Orchis purpurea

GATK requires a reference genome, and therefore I repeat the following analyses using both parental species as references, to prevent the choice of the reference sample from affecting inference and interpretation.

In the directories O171 and O81 (created by hybpiper), I create the directory gene_excl, in which I move all the genes of the blacklist (just in case! then I'll remove them):

for i in `cat blacklist.txt`; do cp -r ./results/hybpiper/O171/$i ./results/hybpiper/O171/gene_excl; done
for i in `cat blacklist.txt`; do cp -r ./results/hybpiper/O171/$i ./results/hybpiper/O81/gene_excl; done
# then I'll remove them
for i in `cat blacklist.txt`; do rm -r ./results/hybpiper/O171/$i; done
for i in `cat blacklist.txt`; do rm -r ./results/hybpiper/O81/$i; done

Creating the references (script: create_ref) in the directory results/hybpiper/refs

cat results/hybpiper/O81/4*/O81/sequences/intron/4*_supercontig.fasta cat results/hybpiper/O81/5*/O81/sequences/intron/5*_supercontig.fasta cat results/hybpiper/O81/6*/O81/sequences/intron/6*_supercontig.fasta cat results/hybpiper/O81/7*/O81/sequences/intron/7*_supercontig.fasta > results/hybpiper/refs/militaris
cat results/hybpiper/O171/4*/O171/sequences/intron/4*_supercontig.fasta cat results/hybpiper/O171/5*/O171/sequences/intron/5*_supercontig.fasta cat results/hybpiper/O171/6*/O171/sequences/intron/6*_supercontig.fasta cat results/hybpiper/O171/7*/O171/sequences/intron/7*_supercontig.fasta > results/hybpiper/refs/purpurea

2) Preparing the reference indices for the reference sequences

Tools required: bwa,samtools and GATK

cd /results/hybpiper/refs
bwa index militaris
bwa index purpurea

samtools faidx militaris
samtools faidx purpurea     

We need to create a copy with the extension .fa (or gatk wouldn't recognise it!):

gatk CreateSequenceDictionary -R militaris.fa
gatk CreateSequenceDictionary -R purpurea.fa

samtools faidx militaris.fa
samtools faidx purpurea.fa

3) Mapping samples to the references and preparing the bam files correctly

Tool required: samtools.
See script
We then need to make sure that the mate pair information and insert sizes are correct in our BAM using samtools fixmate. GATK requires the BAM file to be sorted by coordinates: see script

4) Removing PCR duplicates

Tool required: samtools.
See script

5) Adding read group information

To perform the next steps in GATK, we will need to define the following:
RUN_ID for the sequencing run
RGID=String Read Group ID
RGLB=String Read Group Library
RGPL=String Read Group platform (e.g. illumina, solid)
RGPU=String Read Group platform unit (eg. run barcode of run Id + lane number)
RGSM=String Read Group sample name
See script:

6) Getting the "known-sites"

Tools required: bcftools, samtools and GATK. The next step (gatk BQSR) needs a list of known sites to work correctly. We follow the intructions from and do an initial round of variant calling on your original, unrecalibrated data, followed by filtering, using bcftools. As usual, we repeat the process using both O. militaris and O. purpurea as references.

mkdir ./results/known
mkdir ./results/known/militaris
mkdir ./results/known/purpurea

See script bcfcall (runs very quickly). The filtering process first extracts variants with not more than 2 alleles and then removes variant with either low quality or low depth. The files with the known variants are:
From these, we generate the index files:

gatk IndexFeatureFile -I ./results/known/militaris/calls.filter.vcf
gatk IndexFeatureFile -I ./results/known/purpurea/calls.filter.vcf

7) Performing Base Quality Score Recalibration (BQSR)

Tool required: GATK.

mkdir ./results/bqsr

See script BQSR. This generates a recalibration table based on various covariates, see here. Next, we apply this recalibration info to our BAM files to make a new BAM with recalibrated quality scores; see script applyBQSR. The whole recalibration procedure is performed a second time, see script repBQSR, followed by reapplyBQSR. The covariates before and after BQSR can be compared using the tool AnalyzeCovariates in GATK, which generates plots in pdf format. See scripts:

8) Running Haplotype Caller to generate GVCF files (gatk required)

See script:

9) Consolidating genotypes (gatk required)

This analysis may generated some momory issues, so it is important to create temporary directories, when many samples are analysed.

mkdir ./results/called_genotypes
mkdir ./results/called_genotypes/temp
mkdir ./results/called_genotypes/temp_purp

Consolidating genotypes will require "intervals", that are the regions to include in the analysis (for example, chromosomes and positions, or contigs). see: In our case, contigs are named as as "name of the sample-gene name", so in the end I opted for using the vcf file containing the "known-variants", as list of intervals.
See script:

10) Genotyping all GVCF files (gatk required)

Script: (this needs a lot of memory)

11) Hard-filtering:

Selecting only SNPs with the script: select_SNPs


mkdir ./results/filtered_genotypes/quality_metrics/

for flag in missing-indv missing-site depth site-depth
	do vcftools --vcf ./results/filtered_genotypes/ref_militaris_SNPs.vcf \
	--${flag} \
	--out ./results/filtered_genotypes/quality_metrics/ref_militaris_quality

for flag in missing-indv missing-site depth site-depth
	do vcftools --vcf ./results/filtered_genotypes/ref_purpurea_SNPs.vcf \
	--${flag} \
	--out ./results/filtered_genotypes/quality_metrics/ref_purpurea_quality
mkdir ./results/filtered_genotypes/final_filters

vcftools --vcf ./results/filtered_genotypes/ref_militaris_SNPs.vcf \
	--minDP 10 \
	--minGQ 20 \
	--max-missing 0.75 \
	--min-alleles 2 \
	--max-alleles 2 \
	--recode \
	--out ./results/filtered_genotypes/final_filters/Hybrids_ref_militaris

vcftools --vcf ./results/filtered_genotypes/ref_purpurea_SNPs.vcf \
	--minDP 10 \
	--minGQ 20 \
	--max-missing 0.75 \
	--min-alleles 2 \
	--max-alleles 2 \
	--recode \
	--out ./results/filtered_genotypes/final_filters/Hybrids_ref_purpurea

LD-pruned data sets:

plink2 --indep-pairwise 50 5 0.5 --vcf Hybrids_ref_militaris.recode.vcf --allow-extra-chr --set-missing-var-ids @:#[rob]\$r,\$a --export vcf --out militaris.plink
plink2 --indep-pairwise 50 5 0.5 --vcf Hybrids_ref_purpurea.recode.vcf --allow-extra-chr --set-missing-var-ids @:#[rob]\$r,\$a --export vcf --out purpurea.plink


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