
Browse Reddit from your terminal

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Latest Version Supported Python versions

Reddit Terminal Viewer

Browse Reddit from your terminal


RTV is built in python using the curses library, and is compatible with most terminal emulators on Linux and OS X.

Update (v1.1)

Users can now post comments!



Install using pip

$ sudo pip install rtv

Or clone the repository

$ git clone https://github.com/michael-lazar/rtv.git
$ cd rtv
$ sudo python setup.py install

The installation will place a script in the system path

$ rtv
$ rtv --help


RTV currently supports browsing both subreddits and individual submissions. In each mode the controls are slightly different.

Global Commands

/ or j/k:Scroll to the prev/next item
a/z:Upvote/downvote the selected item
ENTER or o:Open the selected item in the default web browser
r:Refresh the current page
?:Show the help message

Subreddit Mode

In subreddit mode you can browse through the top submissions on either the front page or a specific subreddit.

or l:View comments for the selected submission
/:Open a prompt to switch subreddits
f:Open a prompt to search the current subreddit

The / prompt accepts subreddits in the following formats

  • /r/python
  • /r/python/new
  • /r/python+linux supports multireddits
  • /r/front will redirect to the front page

Submission Mode

In submission mode you can view the self text for a submission and browse comments.

or h:Return to subreddit mode
or l:Fold the selected comment, or load additional comments
c:Comment/reply on the selected item


RTV will read a configuration file located at ~/.rtv. This can be used to avoid having to re-enter login credentials every time the program is launched. Each line in the file will replace the corresponding default argument in the launch script.

Example config:



# Default subreddit

RTV allows users to compose comments and replys using their preferred text editor (vi, nano, gedit, etc). Set the environment variable RTV_EDITOR to specify which editor the program should use.

$ export RTV_EDITOR=gedit