
Write Articles Anonymously without any Logins.

Primary LanguageEJS


An App which stores user written articles into database and also fetches them from the database.

Steps to Setup on Local Machine

  • Fork this Repository
  • Clone this Repositiory git clone fork_url
  • Create New Branch git switch -c new-branch-name or git branch branch-name & git checkout branch-name
  • Make changes to the App
  • Stage Changes git add .
  • Commit Changes git commit -m "commit-message"
  • Push Changes git push


🔥 Have a Clean and Simple UI for Posting Articles.

🔥 You Can Post Articles anonymously without any logins.

🔥 Anyone from the world can come and read the newest articles posted.

🔥 Users can also search for a Particular Topic.


🔥 Users can take help from help page


Ram Goel