
A comparison of the performance of YottaDB vs Mysql in a node express framework utlising postman/newman

Primary LanguageHTML


A comparison of the performance of YottaDB vs Mysql in a node express framework


Open in Gitpod


git clone https://github.com/RamSailopal/Node-YottaDBvsMysql.git
cd Node-YottaDBvsMysql
docker-compose up

Once provisioning is fully completed, two newman html reports will be generated with API GET/POST request results (see below for more info).


The results of the tests can be found here:

YottaDB - https://htmlpreview.github.io/?https://github.com/RamSailopal/Node-YottaDBvsMysql/blob/main/newman/YottaDB-report.html

Mysql - https://htmlpreview.github.io/?https://github.com/RamSailopal/Node-YottaDBvsMysql/blob/main/newman/Mysql-report.html

A complete (side by side) report - https://htmlpreview.github.io/?https://github.com/RamSailopal/Node-YottaDBvsMysql/blob/main/newman/Complete-report.html

In summary, YottaDB GET requests are a lot quicker than Mysql taking 6ms against 191ms for Mysql. It is also quicker with regards to POST requests registering 106ms against 195ms for Mysql