The HybridContentManager
was originally created by Quantopian as part of pgcontents; however, the usage of HybridContentsManager
was restricted to the compatibility requirements of pgcontents. These restrictions included postgres
dependencies and no support for the latest notebook version (>6).
At Viaduct we used pgcontents exclusively for the HybridContentsManager
and wanted to extend its functionality, so we created this fork hybridcontents.
See related pgcontents issues:
Getting Started
- A Python installation with Jupyter Notebook >= 4.0.
pip install hybridcontents
conda install -c viaduct hybridcontents
See instructions here
- Mix and match different content managers for different directories
- Easily move files between different content managers (i.e local files to s3 backed manager)
- Path validation to keep consistent naming scheme and/or prevent illegal characters
For a detailed example see, hybrid_manager_example.py
The following code snippet creates a HybridContentsManager with two directories with different content managers.
c = get_config()
c.NotebookApp.contents_manager_class = HybridContentsManager
c.HybridContentsManager.manager_classes = {
# NOTE: LargFileManager only exists in notebook > 5
# If using notebook < 5, use FileContentManager instead
"": LargeFileManager,
"shared": S3ContentsManager
# Each item will be passed to the constructor of the appropriate content manager.
c.HybridContentsManager.manager_kwargs = {
# Args for root LargeFileManager
"": {
"root_dir": read_only_dir
# Args for the shared S3ContentsManager directory
"shared": {
"access_key_id": ...,
"secret_access_key": ...,
"endpoint_url": ...,
"bucket": ...,
"prefix": ...
def only_allow_notebooks(path):
return path.endswith('.ipynb')
# Only allow notebook files to be stored in S3
c.HybridContentsManager.path_validators = {
"shared": only_allow_notebooks
To run unit tests,
This will run all unit tests for python versions 2.7, 3.6, 3.7 and jupyter notebook versions 4, 5, and 6.
Publishing a Release
- Create a new release on Github
- Update the version in
- Run ./scripts/pip_publish.sh
- Update the version
- Update the sha256 in meta.yaml
- Run ./scripts/anaconda_publish.sh
- Update on Conda Forge