
Login And SignUp CRUD operations using React and Bottle

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Login And SignUp CRUD operations using React and Bottle

Back-end: Python 2.7, Bottle Framework
Front-end: React, Material-UI , NodeJS, npm
DB: PostgreSql

DB Setup:

  1. Install and configure PostgreSQL with DB Name react User postgres and password
  2. inside public schema execute migration users.sql.
  3. This will create users table in DB with columns username, email and password.

For custom DB credentials such as dbname, username, password, you need to update the same in config.py file.

Backend Setup:

  1. clone the repo
  2. navigate to requirements.txt folder in command line and execute
  3. pip install -r requirements.txt
  4. navigate to main_app.py and execute
  5. python main_app.py

This will start the backend server.

Frontend Setup:

  1. navigate to package.json folder inside frontend directory in command line and execute
  2. npm install
    This wil install all require node modules
  3. To start front end server and execute within same direcotry
  4. npm start

Note: Any third party library that needs to be added should be added in requirements.txt file and any new SQL migration file that needs to be added should be added in migrations directory.