
A Library to run programs of any language in js

Primary LanguageTypeScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Program Runner

A Library to run programs of any language in js (Node.js)


RELEASING SOON (Currently in development)

Below will be the installation instructions for the library once it is released.


npm install program-runner


yarn add program-runner


pnpm add program-runner


  • Compile and Run programs of any language in Node.js parallelly
  • Compile and Run programs from code snippets, files and urls

Prerequisites for Languages

  • Node.js
  • Java
  • Rust
  • Dart
  • Python

Note: The above languages should be installed on the system to run or compile the programs of the respective languages.

Supported Languages

  • Python
  • Node.js
  • Dart
  • Java
  • Rust


ProgramRunner.run ProgramCompiler.compile


// Input
type Input = {
  type: 'code' | 'file' | 'url';
  language: 'python' | 'node' | 'dart' | 'java' | 'rust';
  value: string;
  commandOptions?: {
		[key: string]: string | null;


type Config = {
	node: {
		venvPath?: string | null;
		default?: boolean;
		path?: string | null;
	javaPath: {
		venvPath?: string | null;
		default?: boolean;
		path?: string;
	python: {
		venvPath?: string | null;
		default?: boolean;
		path?: string | null;
	dart: {
		venvPath?: string | null;
		default?: boolean;
		path?: string | null;
	rust: {
		venvPath?: string | null;
		default?: boolean;
		path?: string | null;

// Response

type Response = {
  input: Input;
  config: Config;
  result: {
    message: string;
    error: boolean;
    result: string;


import ProgramRunner, { ProgramCompiler, type Input } from 'program-runner';

const pythonCode: string = `
import os

print("This Python code is Running!!")
print(f'Current Working Directory: {os.getcwd()}')


const jsCode: string = `
import path from 'node:path';
const __dirname = path.resolve(path.dirname(''));

console.log("This Node.js code is Running!!");

const dartCode: string = `
import 'dart:io';

void main() {
  print("This Dart code is Running!!");

const javaCode: string = `
public class Main {
	public static void main(String[] args) {
		System.out.println("This Java code is Running!!");

const rustCode: string = `
fn main() {
	println!("This Rust code is Running!!");
	println!("{:?}", std::env::current_dir());

const Inputs: Input[] = [
		type: 'code',
		language: 'python',
		value: pythonCode,
		type: 'file',
		language: 'python',
		value: './example.py',
		type: 'code',
		language: 'node',
		value: jsCode,
		type: 'file',
		language: 'node',
		value: './example.js',
		type: 'code',
		language: 'dart',
		value: dartCode,
		type: 'file',
		language: 'dart',
		value: './example.dart',
		type: 'code',
		language: 'java',
		value: javaCode,
		type: 'file',
		language: 'java',
		value: './example.java',
		type: 'code',
		language: 'rust',
		value: rustCode,
		type: 'file',
		language: 'rust',
		value: './example.rs',

console.log('Running the code snippets...');

const response = await ProgramRunner.run(Inputs);


console.log('Completed running the code snippets!!');


console.log('Compiling the code snippets...');

const compileResponse = await ProgramCompiler.compile(
	Inputs.filter(input => input.language === 'java' || input.language === 'rust')


console.log('Completed compiling the code snippets!!');

console.log('Thank You!');


Running the code snippets...
    input: {
      type: 'code',
      language: 'python',
      value: '\n' +
        'import os\n' +
        '\n' +
        'print("This Python code is Running!!")\n' +
        "print(f'Current Working Directory: {os.getcwd()}')\n" +
    config: {
      node: [Object],
      python: [Object],
      dart: [Object],
      javaPath: [Object],
      rust: [Object]
    result: {
      message: 'This Python code is Running!!\n' +
        'Current Working Directory: /home/ramansharma/Desktop/program-runner/examples\n',
      error: false,
      result: 'This Python code is Running!!\n' +
        'Current Working Directory: /home/ramansharma/Desktop/program-runner/examples\n'
    input: { type: 'file', language: 'python', value: './example.py' },
    config: {
      node: [Object],
      python: [Object],
      dart: [Object],
      javaPath: [Object],
      rust: [Object]
    result: {
      message: 'from example.py\n',
      error: false,
      result: 'from example.py\n'
    input: {
      type: 'code',
      language: 'node',
      value: '\n' +
        "import path from 'node:path';\n" +
        "const __dirname = path.resolve(path.dirname(''));\n" +
        '\n' +
        'console.log("This Node.js code is Running!!");\n' +
    config: {
      node: [Object],
      python: [Object],
      dart: [Object],
      javaPath: [Object],
      rust: [Object]
    result: {
      message: 'This Node.js code is Running!!\n' +
      error: false,
      result: 'This Node.js code is Running!!\n' +
    input: { type: 'file', language: 'node', value: './example.js' },
    config: {
      node: [Object],
      python: [Object],
      dart: [Object],
      javaPath: [Object],
      rust: [Object]
    result: {
      message: 'Hello, world!\n',
      error: false,
      result: 'Hello, world!\n'
    input: {
      type: 'code',
      language: 'dart',
      value: '\n' +
        "import 'dart:io';\n" +
        '\n' +
        'void main() {\n' +
        '  print("This Dart code is Running!!");\n' +
        '  print(Directory.current.path);\n' +
    config: {
      node: [Object],
      python: [Object],
      dart: [Object],
      javaPath: [Object],
      rust: [Object]
    result: {
      message: 'This Dart code is Running!!\n' +
      error: false,
      result: 'This Dart code is Running!!\n' +
    input: { type: 'file', language: 'dart', value: './example.dart' },
    config: {
      node: [Object],
      python: [Object],
      dart: [Object],
      javaPath: [Object],
      rust: [Object]
    result: {
      message: 'Dart code running from file!\n' +
        'Current directory: /home/ramansharma/Desktop/program-runner/examples\n',
      error: false,
      result: 'Dart code running from file!\n' +
        'Current directory: /home/ramansharma/Desktop/program-runner/examples\n'
    input: {
      type: 'code',
      language: 'java',
      value: '\n' +
        'public class Main {\n' +
        '\tpublic static void main(String[] args) {\n' +
        '\t\tSystem.out.println("This Java code is Running!!");\n' +
        '\t\tSystem.out.println(System.getProperty("user.dir"));\n' +
        '\t}\n' +
    config: {
      node: [Object],
      python: [Object],
      dart: [Object],
      javaPath: [Object],
      rust: [Object]
    result: {
      message: 'This Java code is Running!!\n' +
      error: false,
      result: 'This Java code is Running!!\n' +
    input: { type: 'file', language: 'java', value: './example.java' },
    config: {
      node: [Object],
      python: [Object],
      dart: [Object],
      javaPath: [Object],
      rust: [Object]
    result: {
      message: 'Hello from example.java file!\n' +
        'Current directory: /home/ramansharma/Desktop/program-runner/examples\n',
      error: false,
      result: 'Hello from example.java file!\n' +
        'Current directory: /home/ramansharma/Desktop/program-runner/examples\n'
    input: {
      type: 'code',
      language: 'rust',
      value: '\n' +
        'fn main() {\n' +
        '\tprintln!("This Rust code is Running!!");\n' +
        '\tprintln!("{:?}", std::env::current_dir());\n' +
    config: {
      node: [Object],
      python: [Object],
      dart: [Object],
      javaPath: [Object],
      rust: [Object]
    result: {
      message: 'This Rust code is Running!!\n' +
      error: false,
      result: 'This Rust code is Running!!\n' +
    input: { type: 'file', language: 'rust', value: './example.rs' },
    config: {
      node: [Object],
      python: [Object],
      dart: [Object],
      javaPath: [Object],
      rust: [Object]
    result: {
      message: 'Hello from example.rs file!\n' +
        'Current directory: /home/ramansharma/Desktop/program-runner/examples\n',
      error: false,
      result: 'Hello from example.rs file!\n' +
        'Current directory: /home/ramansharma/Desktop/program-runner/examples\n'
Completed running the code snippets!!
Compiling the code snippets...
    input: {
      type: 'code',
      language: 'java',
      value: '\n' +
        'public class Main {\n' +
        '\tpublic static void main(String[] args) {\n' +
        '\t\tSystem.out.println("This Java code is Running!!");\n' +
        '\t\tSystem.out.println(System.getProperty("user.dir"));\n' +
        '\t}\n' +
    config: {
      node: [Object],
      python: [Object],
      dart: [Object],
      javaPath: [Object],
      rust: [Object]
    result: {
      message: '/home/ramansharma/Desktop/program-runner/code_files_data/output_24_3_2024__8_12_53_pmb137c015031261dd8ae67ef0b14ca35f.class',
      error: false,
      result: ''
    input: { type: 'file', language: 'java', value: './example.java' },
    config: {
      node: [Object],
      python: [Object],
      dart: [Object],
      javaPath: [Object],
      rust: [Object]
    result: {
      message: '/home/ramansharma/Desktop/program-runner/code_files_data/output_24_3_2024__8_12_53_pmaebc8f96ad6fa4c424d407884efe711d.class',
      error: false,
      result: ''
    input: {
      type: 'code',
      language: 'rust',
      value: '\n' +
        'fn main() {\n' +
        '\tprintln!("This Rust code is Running!!");\n' +
        '\tprintln!("{:?}", std::env::current_dir());\n' +
    config: {
      node: [Object],
      python: [Object],
      dart: [Object],
      javaPath: [Object],
      rust: [Object]
    result: {
      message: '/home/ramansharma/Desktop/program-runner/code_files_data/output_24_3_2024__8_12_53_pme417b4a6ae02a75aec4696699b7d3a6b',
      error: false,
      result: ''
    input: { type: 'file', language: 'rust', value: './example.rs' },
    config: {
      node: [Object],
      python: [Object],
      dart: [Object],
      javaPath: [Object],
      rust: [Object]
    result: {
      message: '/home/ramansharma/Desktop/program-runner/code_files_data/output_24_3_2024__8_12_53_pm9262ee53525b5dde8220375751015543',
      error: false,
      result: ''
Completed compiling the code snippets!!
Thank You!


  • 0.1.0 - Initial Release


  • Make options and configurations available in the input
  • Make Arguments available in the input
  • Add more languages
  • Add more features
  • Make CLI
  • Make cloud support available


Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.

Please make sure to update tests as appropriate.




Raman Sharma


If you like the library, consider supporting the developer by starring the repository.


This library is currently in development and is not yet released. The above code is just an example of how the library will work once it is released.

Enjoy Program Runner!