
this is the frontend for IBM call4code challenge project

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Quagrifresh - The freshest traceable delivery you can trust

Quagrifresh, a one-of-a-kind e-commerce platform for farmers, buyers, and independent delivery drivers. Quagrifresh is a pro-sustainability platform that offers reliable, traceable delivery. Quagrifresh believes that fresh produce can improve people's lives by providing a healthier alternative to a better life. Organically feeding and transforming the world, Quagrifresh is a platform where people and nature can coexist peacefully. A platform connecting the world one community at a time.

Short description

Problem Statement

U.S. consumers who live in the suburbs live approximately equidistant from the nearest metropolitan city and the nearest rural, farming area. Many suburbanites have the luxury of driving to multiple retail grocers within close proximity to their homes, but sometimes internal retail power outages cause these stores to shut down until the power is restored and the next shipping truck arrives to unload new stock. Also, more often than not items are out of stock, are sold in limited quantities, available while quantities last, or are expired stock is sitting on the shelves and there are few store employees to assist when questions arise. Consequently, demand for locally grown agricultural products is at an all time high. COVID-19 and consumer demand caused a massive shift in supply chain strategies with e-commerce becoming the dominant channel. Similar situations are faced by other developed economies.

According to the 2021 reports, over 70% of India’s 1.38 billion people still depend primarily on agriculture for their livelihood. Though the sector accounts for only about 20% of the country’s economic output. That reliance increased after the coronavirus pandemic which badly struck the urban economy and sent millions of labourers back to their villages. For years, debt and bankruptcies have been driving farmers to high rates of suicide.

How can technology help?

[How technology will help here]

The idea

Our idea solution is providing endless possibilities for clean living right in the heart of the city for locally grown and sustainable eats right in the city because fresh produce is just a click away with Quagrifresh. Sustainability solution: The Grasslanders Network developed Quagrifresh, a unique e-commerce technological platform, using home delivery as a distribution improvement to local agricultural production, data analytics as an educational tool for local farmers, and job opportunities for local delivery drivers to create a greener future. Scope 3 of the Green House Gas (GHG) emissions value chain focuses on emissions from, agriculture, transportation, consumption, and waste, Quagrifesh eliminates the need for suppliers and intermediaries delivering direct to the consumer as a near net-zero last-mile service. Quagrifresh is a community supported agricultural network that examines both farmer and consumer needs maximizing farmers profitability via a home distribution channel while simultaneously working backward to determine how to get inventory directly to the consumer at the cheapest delivery cost as an innovative U.S. cradle-to-consumer food supply chain management strategy. Quagrifresh specifically uses the group buying concept with lower prices which reduces emissions via delivery travel reduction. Famers register their products, product quality, and delivery dates on the Quagrifresh website. Then, the buyer decides what s/he wants to purchase from the farmer with the capability of viewing how many neighbors are purchasing from the same farmer on the same delivery date. Delivery begins with a fixed cost; however, with each additional neighborhood buyer the total delivery cost will be shared. For example, if the flat delivery fee is $100, one buyer would incur the total $100 delivery cost. If there are a minimum of 10 buyers within a 2-mile radius of the farmer, each buyer would pay a $10 delivery fee. Quagrifresh’s business model reduces delivery emissions as delivery drivers will create their routes based on neighborhood delivery and the buyer benefits from paying a lower delivery cost.

Education: The Quagrifresh data analytics feature will capture three Green House Gas (GHG) Protocol Corporate Value Chain Scope 3 upstream emissions categories (purchased goods and service, employee commuting, and upstream transportation and distribution) and one downstream Scope 3 emissions category (downstream transportation and distribution) allows farmers to view which neighborhoods order specific products. For the consumer, the blog section of our website will feature locally grown food content.

Job opportunities: The Quagrifresh ecommerce platform allows independent delivery drivers to register and schedule their neighborhood delivery transportation.

Demo video

[Demo Video Here]

The architecture


Long description

Our idea will be a big hit among the farmers in India as we are providing them with a platform where they are allowed to sell their produce directly to the consumers by becoming sellers, making farming profitable specially for small farmers. They can easily earn their livelihoods from the comforts of their home. In turn, the consumers will get farm fresh healthy and organic products directly from the farm. Farmers will not have to go round for payment and settlement of disputes. They will get it instantly. Also, India has 53 million unemployed people as of December 2021. Through our initiative of delivery service, many unemployed people will get job opportunities. Other developing countries are also facing the same or even worse issues. Overall, our idea will benefit everyone equally – Developing Country to the Developed Country.

Quagrifresh has two future plan conceptual frameworks. The first future plan is for the urban agricultural market whereby a mobile app will be deployed that links the urban farmer with the buyer. This technological application allows urban farmers to register the location of their farms in conjunction with a personalized e-store. A key feature will show a list of nearby urban farms and their e-stores. After a buyer receives a purchase confirmation notification, the mobile app will find a registered on-demand location-based, delivery person to deliver the order. Delivery persons will register their mode of delivery as walking, cycling, or e-biking to promote zero-emissions. The second future plan is for farmers who sell their products at farmers markets whereby a mobile app will be deployed that links the suburban farmer with the farmers markets’ managers. The farmers market managers can register their location and centralized e-store simultaneously. The farmers market manager can see what nearby farmers are selling based on information collected from the technological platform as well as their locations. . After a buyer receives a purchase confirmation notification, the mobile app will find a registered on-demand location-based, delivery person to deliver the order. Delivery persons will register their mode of delivery as walking, cycling, or e-biking to promote zero-emissions.

QR Code capabilities: specialized track and trace feature scan for paperless invoices that will directly open a link or PDF of invoice), point-of-delivery digital signature collection; manage farmer data analytics and events Voice-controller website library, soft launch (Beta) w/ English (India) Fleet of branded delivery vehicles in the U.S. Merchandise (hats, t-shirts, badges, bags) Using AI to arrange delivery from farmer to area Provide logistic function to farmer include function like stock balance and such

Project roadmap

The project currently does the following things.

[all features here]

It's in a free tier vercel [frontend] and railway [backend]. In the future we plan to run on microservices and on our own VM.

See below for our proposed schedule on next steps after Call for Code 2022 submission.


Getting started

Instructions to run the Quagrifresh App;

  1. Frontend
  2. Backend

Run the Quagrifresh Frontend for local development


  1. Install nodejs and NPM
  2. install yarn using command npm install -g yarn

Build the App

  • Start a terminal/CMD in ~/call-for-code-frontend/ directory.
  • Execute command yarn.

Add env files data as mentioned in env.sample

Run the App

Run the Quagrifresh Backend for local development


  1. Install nodejs and NPM
  2. install yarn using command npm install -g yarn

Build the App

  • Start a terminal/CMD in ~/call-for-code-backend/ directory.
  • Execute command yarn.

Add env files data as mentioned in .env.sample

Run the App

Live demo

You can find a running frontend system to test at quagrifresh.live.

You can find a running frontend system to test at backend.quagrifresh.live.

Built with

  • IBM Cloudant - The NoSQL database usedsearch=api%20connect#search_results) - The web framework used
  • React JS - The web framework used
  • Node Js - The backend frmaework used
  • Express Js - Used to create http server at backend
  • Redux - Used as state management at frontend
  • Tom Tom - Used for maps at frontend
  • QR Code With Logo - Used to create QR Code with logo at backend
  • Node Mailer - Used to send mails from backend


Please read CONTRIBUTING.md for details on our code of conduct, and the process for submitting pull requests to us.


We use SemVer for versioning. For the versions available, see the tags on this repository.




  • Tanisha Joshi - initial_work - TanJO07
  • Raman Sharma - connecting_backend_with_frontend - RamanSharma100


[License info]

