
This is the react firebase simple blog with admin panel

Primary LanguageJavaScript

React Js Firebase Simple Login System With Admin Panel

This is the react firebase simple blog with admin panel

Added Features :-

  1. See Latest Posts
  2. See All Posts
  3. Do comments
  4. Add Replies
  5. Admin Panel
  6. Admin Login
  7. Admin Registeration [only can register after login]
  8. Add Posts
  9. Register Admin by any Admin [only can register after login]
  10. Delete Comment by post owner
  11. Delete Post in adming panel by Post Admin
  12. Edit Post in adming panel by Post Admin

How to download and work

  1. download or clone this repository
  2. on cmd under the project folder
  3. run command :-

npm install

 to install dependencies
  1. run command:-

npm start to start developemt server

  1. make .env file and add credentials of your firebase project there by taking help of .env.sample

Enjoy browsing