
This library is for sharing image/video with hashtag on social network from unity app using native sharing option.

Primary LanguageJava


This library(Plugin) is use for sharing image/video with hashtag/message on social media platform from unity app using native sharing option. Now, for sharing from unity you need to create a class extending MonoBehaviour and use below code to share image/video with hashtag and create jar file of above project and add it to your unity project.

public void Share() { AndroidJavaObject sharingImageVideo = null; AndroidJavaObject activityContext = null;

  using(AndroidJavaClass activityClass = new AndroidJavaClass("com.unity3d.player.UnityPlayer"))
			activityContext = activityClass.GetStatic < AndroidJavaObject > ("currentActivity");
		using(AndroidJavaClass pluginClass = new AndroidJavaClass("com.ram.unitynativesharing.UnitySharingPlugin")) //packagename with classname
			if (pluginClass != null)
				sharingImageVideo = pluginClass.CallStatic < AndroidJavaObject > ("instance");
				sharingImageVideo.Call("setContext", activityContext);
       //Sharing image/video on twitter with hashtag 
					sharingImageVideo.Call ("shareContent_on_Twitter", activityContext, image/video path, type, hashTag);

For sharing image/video on twitter, call "shareContent_on_Twitter" method. In that pass "activityContext" with image / video uri path and "type" if passing then type is "image/" or if passing video then type "video/" and at end hashtag text.

For sharing image/video on instgram call "shareContent_on_Instgram" method. In that pass "activityContext" with image / video uri path and "type" if passing then type is "image/" or if passing video then type "video/" and at end hashtag text.

For sharing image/video on whatsapp call "shareContent_on_Whatsapp" method. In that pass "activityContext" with image / video uri path and "type" if passing then type is "image/" or if passing video then type "video/" and hashtag/message text and phone number of user.

For sharing on Facebook install facebook sdk and call "shareImage_on_Facebook_Sdk" method to share image with imagepath uri and hashtag/message. For sharing video on Facebook call method "shareVideo_on_Facebook_Sdk" and pass video uri and hastag/message

      android:resource="@xml/provider_paths" />

In Androidmanifest.xml file of Unity, add file-provide as mentioned above, in authorities attribute add package name of your app, if you are changing it.