
Catch incoming email and save the attachments to nextcloud (or any webdav backend)

Primary LanguagePythonGNU Affero General Public License v3.0AGPL-3.0

nextcloud-filedrop (NCFD)

Catch incoming email and save the attachments to nextcloud (or any webdav backend).

This project is a simple HTTP service that accepts multipart form POSTs containing structured email data. It validates the attachments and uploads them to a Nextcloud folder based on the recipient. You can have "work-filedrop@yourdomain.com" route files to a separate folder than "personal-filedrop@yourdomain.com".

This service supports two incoming email sources:

  • py-imap-to-http recommended, self-hosted imap watcher
  • Mailgun's Inbound Routing only available with monthly subscription plan, not available on the pay as you go plan

Get Going

Easiest way to get going is using docker.

  1. Go fetch my fork of py-imap-to-http
  2. Copy docker-compose.sample.yml to docker-compose.yml
  3. Edit the build: ../py-imap-to-http line in the imap service to the location of the dir from step 1
  4. Fill in your env vars.
  5. docker-compose up


This project requires Python 3, and the python deps in requirements.txt. Using a virtualenv is recommended.

cp env-sample .env
# Edit .env with your values
pip install -r requirements.dev.txt

I recommend creating a specific nextcloud user to run this under rather than your own account. Just share your inbox dirs to the user.

The settings should be self explanatory, except NCFD_ROUTES.

NCFD_ROUTES should be a comma separated list of email, path pairs which themselves are separated by colons. Each email represents a recipient, and the path is the remote path in Nextcloud that attachments from the recipient will be uploaded to. This lets you run multiple filedrop emails from one instance.

Run the thing

python -m ncfd


© 2020 Casey Link. GNU Affero General Public License v3 or later