
Tools for fetching and working with data from SPOT GPS Messengers

Primary LanguagePythonGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0

SPOT Persist

Tools to fetch and parse the feeds from a SPOT GPS Messenger and save them in a SQL database.

There are two utilites in this package:

  1. spot-fetch - A tool to download SPOT data feeds with their various options
  2. spot-persist - Parses a JSON data feed and saves it to a SQLite database



$ spot-fetch -h
usage: spot-fetch [-h] [-t {message,latest}] [-f {json,xml}] [-p]
                  [-P NO_PROMPT_PASSWORD] [-e]

Utility for fetching SPOT message feeds

positional arguments:
  glid                  The feed id (glid) see http://faq.findmespot.com/index

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -t {message,latest}, --type {message,latest}
                        The type of feed to fetch (default: message)
  -f {json,xml}, --format {json,xml}
                        The desired output format (default: json)
  -p, --password        Prompts for the feed's password interactively
                        The feed's password read from the arguments
  -e, --no-empty        Don't output anything if there are no messages


$ spot-persist -h
usage: spot-persist [-h] [-n DATABASE_NAME] [-u] [file]

Utility for parsing SPOT feeds in JSON format and saving them to a SQL

positional arguments:
  file                  The json data to parse

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -n DATABASE_NAME, --database-name DATABASE_NAME
                        The filename of the SQLite database (default:
  -u, --update          Insert new messages and update existing ones


Download JSON data from a feed

$ spot-fetch 0ATnNuieqRyM7RYsOFdaHoTNOtoFy9Xq4 > data.json

Save this data to a SQLite database

$ spot-persist < data.json

Cron job to download data and update the DB every 15 minutes

*/5 * * * * spot-fetch 0ATnNuieqRyM7RYsOFdaHoTNOtoFy9Xq4 | spot-persist -u -n /some/dir/messages.db


These tools are licensed under the GPLv3.


Bug reports, suggestions, and patches are welcome! Please use the github issue tracker.