
App Demo Video

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App Features:

  • Users can create new account.
  • Users can follow/unfollow other users.
  • Users can create/update/delete new posts.
  • Users can like/unlike posts.
  • Users can share posts.
  • Posts can have text content, an image and tags.
  • Users will have timeline which will contain posts from following users.
  • Users can update profile info/email/password.
  • Users can verify their email addresses.
  • Users can reset their passwords.
  • Users will receive notifications when their posts are liked/shared/commented on.

Technologies Used:


  • Java
  • Spring Boot
  • Spring Security
  • Spring REST
  • MySQL
  • H2 Database
  • JUnit
  • Mockito
  • Maven


  • Angular
  • Angular Material UI
  • Typescript


  • Unit test
  • Integration test