Dependency Injection of SparkSession: Apache Spark on/with support of Spring boot


  • A Web Application of Apache Spark using Spring Boot MVC
  • Spring is a very popular Java-based framework for building web and enterprise applications.
  • Spring framework provides flexibility to configure beans/objects in multiple ways such as XML, Annotations, and JavaConfig.
  • Spring’s dependency injection approach encourages writing testable code
  • Spring Boot is basically an extension of the Spring framework which eliminated the boilerplate configurations required for setting up a Spring application.
  • Apache Spark is an open-source distributed general-purpose cluster-computing framework.

Mixing Spring & Spark - Steps

  1. Create a Maven-Based Spring Boot Project
  2. Add the required dependencies in pom.xml
  3. Configure Spark Properties in
  4. Adding the Spark ApplicationConfig: declaring the JavaSparkContext and SparkConf as beans (using @Bean annotation) this tell the spring container to manage them for us
  5. Creating a service/controller for Read Csv & Register a REST Controller with an endpoint
  6. Run the application, Test your application from a REST client or on Browser Url: http://localhost:8080/spark-context/read-csv

That's it, Spark now returns output on an Enterprise web application!