
This repository provides a custom TFLint ruleset that utilizes OPA Rego policies to enforce labeling standards for Google Cloud Platform (GCP) resources within Terraform configurations. It ensures that resources comply with mandatory labeling requirements and helps manage resource compliance effectively.

Primary LanguageOpen Policy AgentApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

Dynamic Rego Policy for GCP Terraform Resources

This repository provides tools and scripts to dynamically generate Rego policies for TFLint that enforce label requirements on Google Cloud Platform (GCP) resources defined in Terraform configurations. The scripts categorize GCP resources based on their support for labels and generate corresponding Rego policies to validate label adherence.

Folder Structure

Below is an overview of the folder structure:

├── .tflint.d
│   └── policies
│       ├── resources.rego
│       └── tags.rego
├── .tflint.hcl
├── main.tf
├── outputs.tf
├── providers.tf
├── scripts
│   ├── generate.py
│   ├── resources_with_labels.json
│   └── resources_without_labels.json
└── variables.tf
  • .tflint.d/policies/: Directory where TFLint policy files are stored.
    • resources.rego: Contains dynamically generated Rego policies based on the Terraform configuration.
    • tags.rego: Defines policies for mandatory labels and handling unlabeled resources.
  • scripts/: Directory containing the Python script (generate.py) used to generate the resources.rego file.
  • .tflint.hcl: Configuration file for TFLint.

What is TFLint and Why is it Used?

TFLint is a powerful linting tool designed for Terraform configurations. It checks Terraform code for potential issues, enforces best practices, and ensures that configurations are optimized for the cloud provider in use.

Why TFLint is Important:

  1. Error Prevention: Catches errors early, such as deprecated syntax, missing required fields, or improper resource configurations.
  2. Best Practices: Enforces best practices for each cloud provider to avoid misconfigurations and unnecessary complexity.
  3. Policy Enforcement: With its plugin architecture, TFLint allows custom policies using OPA Rego, enabling users to enforce specific organizational policies.

Why Use TFLint for GCP?

AWS and Azure have built-in TFLint rulesets that check for missing tags and enforce tagging policies by default. However, GCP lacks built-in rules for enforcing label requirements in Terraform configurations, leaving GCP resources often unlabelled, which complicates billing, tracking, and compliance.

To address this gap, this repository provides custom policies using OPA Rego to ensure:

  • Custom Validation: Mandatory labels such as Environment and Owner are enforced on all GCP resources that support labels.
  • Flexibility: Dynamically generated policies can be adjusted based on your specific Terraform configurations and requirements.

TFLint OPA Rego Policies

What is TFLint OPA Ruleset?

TFLint OPA Ruleset is a plugin that allows integration of Open Policy Agent (OPA) Rego policies into TFLint. With this plugin, users can write custom validation rules using Rego, and TFLint will apply them during the Terraform code analysis.

Key Features:

  • Rego Policy Integration: Allows writing custom rules for resource validation using Rego language.
  • Flexibility: Supports enforcement of custom policies, such as security best practices, label validation, and resource-specific requirements.
  • Compatibility: Can be used for any Terraform provider, including AWS, Azure, and GCP, by writing rules specific to that provider.

The OPA plugin extends the default capabilities of TFLint, making it possible to add granular control over Terraform configurations based on user-defined rules.

🏷️ tags.rego

The tags.rego file includes Rego policies that enforce label requirements on GCP resources. The policies are:

  1. Mandatory Labels 🏷️

    • Enforces the presence of the following labels:
      • Environment 🌍
      • Owner 👤
  2. Supported Resource Types

    • Applies to resource types that support labels, as defined in the dynamically generated resources.rego file.
  3. Rules

    • Missing or Empty Labels
      • Rule: Resources must have at least one label.
      • Issue: Reports if the labels field is missing or empty.
    • Missing Mandatory Labels
      • Rule: Resources must include all mandatory labels (Environment, Owner).
      • Issue: Reports if any mandatory labels are missing.
    • Unknown Labels
      • Rule: Dynamic or unknown values are not allowed in labels.
      • Issue: Reports if a label contains dynamic or unknown values.

🏷️ resources.rego

This file is dynamically generated by the script and contains resource types that support labels. It is critical for defining the resource types that TFLint will enforce label rules on.


  1. Policy Files 📜

    • Place the tags.rego and dynamically generated resources.rego files in the .tflint.d/policies directory.
  2. Configuration ⚙️

    • Ensure that the resources.rego file correctly reflects the supported resource types, as this defines where the label policies will apply.
  3. TFLint Configuration ⚙️

    • The .tflint.hcl file should include the following configuration to enable the OPA plugin:

      plugin "opa" {
          enabled = true
          version = "0.7.0"
          source  = "github.com/terraform-linters/tflint-ruleset-opa"
  4. Running TFLint ▶️

    • Validate Terraform configurations with TFLint and the Rego policies:

      tflint --config .tflint.hcl --recursive
    • TFLint will read the policies from the .tflint.d/policies directory and apply them to your Terraform configurations.

  5. Example 🌟

    • The policy will ensure GCP resources in Terraform configurations have mandatory labels and do not have unknown or empty labels. Issues will be reported with details.

Terraform Resource Management Script

This script automates the generation of a dynamic resources.rego file based on the current Terraform configuration for GCP resources.


  • Terraform (version 0.13 or later)
  • Python 3.x
  • Required Python modules: json, subprocess, os, shutil, argparse


  1. Basic Usage 🚀

    • Ensure Terraform is installed and in your system's PATH.

    • Navigate to the scripts directory:

      cd scripts
    • Run the script to generate the Rego policy and perform other operations:

      python3 generate.py
    • This will:

      • Clean up existing Terraform files and directories.
      • Create a provider.tf file.
      • Initialize Terraform.
      • Fetch the GCP provider schema.
      • Categorize resources based on label support.
      • Generate the resources.rego file in the .tflint.d/policies/ directory.
  2. Generating JSON Files 📊

    • To generate JSON files for resources with and without labels, use the --generate-json flag:

      python3 generate.py --generate-json
    • This will create:

      • resources_with_labels.json: List of GCP resources that support labels.
      • resources_without_labels.json: List of GCP resources that do not support labels.

Script Overview

  • cleanup(): Removes the .terraform directory, provider.tf file, and any .terraform.lock.hcl files.
  • write_provider_tf(): Creates a provider.tf file with GCP provider configuration.
  • terraform_init(): Initializes the Terraform working directory.
  • get_gcp_provider_schema(): Fetches the GCP provider schema in JSON format.
  • categorize_resources_by_labels(schema): Categorizes GCP resources based on label support.
  • write_json_file(filename, data): Writes data to JSON files.
  • write_rego_file(resource_types): Generates the resources.rego file with a list of resource types that support labels.
  • main(): Coordinates script execution based on command-line arguments.


If you would like to contribute to this project, please follow these steps:

  1. Fork the repository.
  2. Create a new branch for your feature or bug fix.
  3. Make your changes and commit them.
  4. Push your changes to your forked repository.
  5. Submit a pull request to the main repository.