Pokemon Battle Simulation

You are tasked with simulating a battle between two Pokemon using JavaScript classes and methods.



Create a class Pokemon that represents a Pokemon with the following properties:

  • name: A string that represents the name of the Pokemon.
  • health: A number that represents the health of the Pokemon.
  • magic: A number that represents the magic of the Pokemon.
  • skills: An array that holds the attack skills of the Pokemon. It starts as an empty array.
  • counter: A number that starts at 0 and increments every time the Pokemon launches a successful attack.


Create a class AttackSkill that represents an attack skill of a Pokemon with the following properties:

  • attack: A string that represents the name of the attack.
  • damage: A number that represents the damage caused by the attack.
  • magic: A number that represents the magic cost of the attack.

The Pokemon class should have the following methods:

  • learnAttackSkill(newskill): This method accepts an object of the AttackSkill class and adds it to the skills array.
  • showStatus(): This method logs the current health and magic of the Pokemon, and whether it has won the battle already, based on the counter (a Pokemon is considered to have won if the counter is greater than 3).
  • getMagics(): This method increases the Pokemon's magic by a random number between 0 and 20.
  • hasEnoughMagic(skillName): This method checks if the Pokemon has enough magic to perform an attack skill. It returns true if the magic is enough and false otherwise.
  • isAlive(): This method checks if the Pokemon is alive by checking if its health is greater than 0. It returns true if the Pokemon is alive and false otherwise.
  • attack(skillName, opponent): This method simulates an attack from the Pokemon to an opponent Pokemon. It checks if the Pokemon and the opponent are alive and if the Pokemon has enough magic to perform the attack. If the conditions are met, the method decreases the Pokemon's magic and the opponent's health based on the selected skill. It also increments the counter and calls the showStatus method for both Pokemon.


  1. Create two Pokemon objects, for example, pikachu and bulbasaur, and assign them initial health and magic values.
  2. Create two attack skill objects, for example, lightning and bombing, and assign them attack, damage, and magic values.
  3. Make each Pokemon learn the attack skills by calling the learnAttackSkill method.
  4. Simulate an attack sequence by calling the attack method on each Pokemon in turns, selecting different attack skills each time.


// create new Pokemons
let pikachu = new Pokemon("pikachu", 120, 80);
let bulbasaur = new Pokemon("bulbasaur", 95, 105);

// create new skills that Pokemons can learn
let lightning = new AttackSkill("lightning", 40, 30);
let bombing = new AttackSkill("poisonSeed", 20, 20);

// pikachu learning skills

// bulbasaur learning skills

// Pokemons starts attacking each other
pikachu.attack("lightning", bulbasaur);
bulbasaur.attack("poisonSeed", pikachu);
pikachu.attack("poisonSeed", bulbasaur);
bulbasaur.attack("lightning", pikachu);
pikachu.attack("lightning", bulbasaur);
pikachu.attack("poisonSeed", bulbasaur); // bulbasaur is already dead!

That's it! You've completed the Pokemon Battle Simulation. Try to add more Pokemons and attack skills to make the battle more interesting.