
A simple and basic .net core console app for sending FCM push notifications

Primary LanguageC#

Fcm Message Sender

A simple and basic .net core console app that eases sending FCM push notifications


To use this app:

  1. Grab a published binary from release.
  2. Modify appdata.json file.
  "FcmKey": null, // string, FCM push notification sending token/key.
  "Message": {
    "To": null, // string, DeviceId of notification receiver.
    "RegistrationIds": [], // string[], List/Array of DeviceIds.
    "Condition": null, // string
    "CollapseKey": null, //string
    "Priority": 0, // int, 0 for normal priority and 1 for high priority
    "ContentAvailable": null, // nullable bool
    "TimeToLive": null, // nullable byte
    "RestrictedPackageName": null, // string
    "DryRun": null, // nullable bool
    "Data": {}, // mixed, Additional data
    "Notification": {
      "Title": null, // string
      "Body": null, // string
      "Icon": null, // string
      "ClickAction": null, // string
      "Sound": null, // string
      "Badge": null, // string
      "Color": null, // string
      "Tag": null, // string
      "BodyLocalizationKey": null, // string
      "BodyLocalizationArguments": [], // string[]
      "TitleLocalizationKey": null, // string
      "TitleLocalizationArguments": [] // string[]
  1. Run!


To build the source code follow the steps:

  1. Clone the repo.
  2. Restore Nuget packages (dotnet restore).
  3. Build & run (dotnet build).