These are my course following notes related to my Javascript, Node & Fullstack development during my studies in webpage and Armagan Amcalar Youtube playlist.
Sean Larkin - Webpack 4 Fundamentals
William Sentance - Hard Parts: Functional JS Foundations
William Sentance - Javascript The hard parts, v2
Brian Holt - Complete Front-End Project: Build a Game
- Course note
- Fox Game codebase - my implementation
- Fox Game codebase - instructer's implementation
- Useful links:
William Sentance - JavaScript: The New Hard Parts
- Course slides
- Iterator Exercises
- Useful links:
Kyle Simpson - Digging Into Node.js
- Useful links:
- Command line section:
- Streams section:
- stream-handbook - This document covers the basics of how to write node.js programs with streams.
- readable.pipe
- stream - Node documentation on
. - zlip - Node documentation on
- Useful links:
Scott Moss - API Design in Node.js, v3
- Course Repo
- Useful links: - Install MongoDB - mongodb-memory-server - mLab - Database-as-a-Service for MongoDB
Garann Means - Web UI Architecture
William Sentance - The Hard Parts of Servers & Node.js
William Sentance - The Hard Parts of Object Oriented Javascript, v2
Kyle Simpson - Real-Time Web with Node.js
Armagan Amcalar - Javascript Crash Course 2019
Jem Young - Full Stack for Front-End Engineers, v2
- Slides (Google Slides)
- Useful links:
- VIM Commands cheat sheet
- Install Fail2ban
- ExpressJS performance tips
- Difference between Lossy Compression and Lossless Compression
- Maxmind GEOIP database
- Linux Chmod Permissions Cheat Sheet
- - write down a command-line to see the help text that matches each argument
- certbot can be used to add HTTPS to NGINX
- Electronic Frontiers Foundation - The leading nonprofit defending digital privacy, free speech, and innovation for 30 years.
- http/2 and http/1.1 comparison
- Titus, the Netflix container management platform
Mike North - Sass Fundamentals
Sarah Drasner - Design for Developers
Brian Holt - Complete Intro to Containers
Steve Kinney - AWS for Front-End Engineers (ft. S3, Cloudfront & Route 53)
Kevin Whinnery - Zero to Production Node.js on Amazon Web Services
- Kevin Whinnery - Complete Intro to React, v5
- Course webpage itself
- Exercises repo
- Useful links:
- Emmit Cheetsheet
- Prettier - to beautify the code
- Parcel - it is a bundler like Webpack
- - API for placeholder images
- Reach Router docs
- Context
- James Halliday - Introduction to Bash, VIM & Regex
- Kyle Simpson - Exploring Service Workers
- Kent C. Dodds - Code Transformation and Linting with ASTs
- David Khourshid - State Machines in JavaScript with XState
- James Halliday - Networking and Streams