CRUD Mongo Test

Technical test for Software Developer job.

The project consists on an application wich has a CRUD for users and a CRUD for posts wich are vinculated to a user. Also the application has authentication (register and log in) and protection to it endpoints by JWT.

Run Locally

Clone the project.

  git clone

Go to the project directory.

  cd crud-mongo-test

Build images from application and database.

  docker-compose build

Run the generated images.

  docker-compose up

Run the unit tests.

  go test ./... -cover 

API Reference

Users CRUD

Register / Sign In a new user

  POST localhost:8080/users/register
Parameters Type Description
username string Required
password string Required

Returns a JWT (located on the headers) wich is necessary to access to access protected endpoints.

Log In with an existing user

  POST localhost:8080/users/login
Parameter Type Description
username string Required
password string Required

Returns a JWT (located on the headers) wich is necessary to access to access protected endpoints.

Update password from an existing user

  PUT localhost:8080/users/updatebyid?{id}
Parameter Type Description
password string Required - New password

Endpoint protected with JWT. To access it should send JWT through headers as "Authorization".

Delete an existing user

  DELETE localhost:8080/users/deletebyid?{id}

Endpoint protected with JWT. To access it should send JWT through headers as "Authorization".

Posts CRUD

Create a new post

  POST localhost:8080/posts/create
Parameter Type Description
user_id string Required
title string Required
description string Required

Endpoint protected with JWT. To access it should send JWT through headers as "Authorization".

Get a post by it ObjectId

  GET localhost:8080/posts/getbyid?{id}

Endpoint protected with JWT. To access it should send JWT through headers as "Authorization".

Get all post posted by a user

  GET localhost:8080/posts/getallfromuserid?{id}

Endpoint protected with JWT. To access it should send JWT through headers as "Authorization".

Update title and description from an existing post

  PUT localhost:8080/posts/updatebyid?{id}
Parameter Type Description
title string Required
description string Required

Endpoint protected with JWT. To access it should send JWT through headers as "Authorization".

Delete an existing post

  DELETE localhost:8080/posts/deletebyid?{id}

Endpoint protected with JWT. To access it should send JWT through headers as "Authorization".

Tech Stack


  • Go


  • gorilla/mux
  • golang-jwt/jwt/v4


  • MongoDB


  • Docker Compose



  • I did not add encryption to passwords as i wasn't allowed to use any package external to the Standard Library (With a few exceptions as mongo drivers or gorilla/mux).