
WhatsApp bot using Python Flask and twilio

Primary LanguageHTML

WhatsApp Bot

WhatsApp Bot Developed using Twilio and Python Flask

Try WhatsApp bot :

Shortcut Link for Api

To Join : join major-noise

Example : tell me a joke

To Stop : stop

1. Setup a Python Virtual Environment

  • A virtual environment is a tool that helps to keep dependencies required by different projects separate by creating isolated python virtual environments for them.

Create a Project Folder.

  • Run following command to create a new virtual environment inside your project folder:

    python -m venv myvenv

  • After running above command, a folder named myvenv will get created in your project folder.

  • Activate the virtual environment by running following command: For ubuntu and mac users:

    source myvenv/bin/activate

For windows users:


2. Install required Python Packages:

flask : pip install flask

twilio : pip install twilio

3. Create a Flask App (app.py)

  • Create Flask App and Run

    python app.py


Manual Flask Run :

For CMD :

$ export FLASK_APP=hello.py

$ export FLASK_DEBUG=1

$ flask run

For PowerShell :

$env:FLASK_APP = "hello.py"

$env:FLASK_DEBUG = 1

flask run

Refer flask docs

Upload code to git then config heroku

Heroku Installation and Deploy Method :

  • Install the Heroku CLI Download and install the Heroku CLI.

  • If you haven't already, log in to your Heroku account and follow the prompts to create a new SSH public key.

$ heroku login

Clone the repository

  • Use Git to clone wbhelper's source code to your local machine.
$ heroku git:clone -a reponame
$ cd reponame
  • Deploy your changes Make some changes to the code you just cloned and deploy them to Heroku using Git.
$ git add .
$ git commit -am "make it better"
$ git push heroku master

Note :

1. Procfile

  • A Procfile is a mechanism for declaring what commands are run by your application's dynos on the Heroku platform.

    web gunicorn app:app

  • Also, install gunicorn in your virtual environment:

    pip install gunicorn

2. runtime.txt

  • To specify a particular version of Python via your app's runtime.txt


3. requirements.txt¶

  • Contains all 3rd party libraries required by your app.

Simply do:

pip freeze > requirements.txt

to generate a requirements.txt file.

4.Environment creation :

Create : python -m venv myvenv

Activate : myvenv\Scripts\activate

To check path : $env:PATH (PS)


  • .gitignore file specifies patterns which are used to exclude certain files in your working directory from your Git history.

  • Open file and type file name to ignore :



To make Conversational bot use dialogflow and import agent it may pre-defined or newly created

  1. Login into dialogflow console

  2. Create a new agent or import a pre-built agent

  3. From settings page of agent, open the service account of your project in Google Cloud Console

  4. Create a new service account for your project. Download private key for the service account in a JSON file

  5. Install Python Client for Dialogflow dialogflow-python-client

    pip install dialogflow