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Welcome to the crowd-sourced list of Developer resources sponsored by Chingu. We welcome your contributions and comments.
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Whether it's for commercial apps or portfolio projects Developers depend on quality sources of data. Here are a few that have captured our attention!
- Understanding the Backend Part 1: What is the Backend & what does it do?
- Understanding the Backend Part 2: What is the Backend & what does it do?
- MongoDB Basics: Learn the fundamentals of MongoDB.
- An Introduction to Environment Variables & How to Use Them: Decoupling configuration from the application
- Protect Application Assets: How to Secure Your Secrets: Here's a hint! Your browser isn't safe.
- Why GraphQL?: Advantages of GraphQL over REST
- Free Programming Books: A large list of programming language books from the Ebook Foundation
- Adobe Color Wheel: One of the best color guides to choose for your next project
- Color Hunt: Free and open source platform for color inspiration
- Lorem Picsum: This is the Lorem Ipsum of photos, easy to use photo placeholders
- App Icon Generator: Easily generate icons for your next mobile application
- Contrast Checker: Contrast & Color Accessibility Checker
- UX or UI, where to focus?: Understand the difference between UI & UX
- UI Goodies: Variety of UI resources for designers
- Adobe XD: Free program to create design prototypes
- Daily XD Creative Challenges: Learn Adobe XD with daily challenges and videos, scroll to the bottom to see previous challenges
- Let's XD: Learn Adobe XD at your own pace with videos and exercises
- What I Learned About CSS: One Chingu's insights on using CSS
- CSS Tricks: Helpful articles, videos, and guides. Highly recommend the guides for flexbox and grid
- Flexbox Froggy: Learn flexbox as you place the frog on the lily pad in this in-browser game
- Flexbox Defense: Another in-browser game to level up your flexbox skills
- Flexbox Zombies: Master flexbox as you defeat zombies with this coding game
- CSS Diner: Learn more about the types of CSS selectors with this in-browser game
- Grid Garden: Learn CSS Grid with an in-browser game
- CSS Reference: CSS Reference is a free visual guide to CSS
- HTML Reference: A free guide to all HTML elements and attributes
- The A11Y Project: A community-driven effort to make web accessibility easier.
- a11y Resources: A growing list of accessibility tools and resources
- FlorinPop's YouTube Channel: 200+ videos on HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Framworks, etc.
- Responsive Web Design Basics: How to create sites which respond to the needs and capabilities of the device they are viewed on.
- Browser Support Tables: Provides up-to-date browser support tables for support of front-end web technologies on desktop and mobile web browsers
- Dev Docs: DevDocs combines multiple API documentations in a fast, organized, and searchable interface. Here's what you should know before you start
- Frontend Mentor: Improve your front-end coding skills by building real projects
- Catchafire: Volunteer your skills and make a difference virtually (variety of skills including web design and development)
React Tutorial: An Overview and Walkthrough: Introduces the most important React concepts in a detailed, beginner-friendly way.
Exploit React Error Boudaries to Improve UX: How to automate error detection & reporting
Guidelines to improve your React folder structure: How to structure a repo for React
All React Hooks: For complete understanding of Hooks in React (Video)
Testing Angular: A Guide to Robust Angular Applications
Learn Angular: Full Tutorial Course
Angular 11 Project: Learn how to create an Angular 11 project from scratch in this full course
- GitExplorer: Find the right git commands you need without digging through the web
- How to Contribute on GitHub: A step-by-step guide to contributing on GitHub
- GitHub Readme Stats: Add cards showing your cumulative GitHub statistics to your profile page
- Beginner's Series to: JavaScript: 51-part Javascript beginners course by Microsoft
- Deep Javascript: Theory & Techniques: By Dr. Axel Rauschmayer)
- Javascript for Impatient Programmers: By Dr. Axel Rauschmayer
- Looping over arrays & objects in Javascript: Options for looping
- Tackling Typescript: Upgrading from Javascript: By Dr. Axel Rauschmayer
- You Dont Know JavaScript: Book series diving deep into the core mechanisms of JavaScript
- JavaScript 30: Build 30 things with vanilla JS in 30 days with 30 tutorials
- Javascript Questions: JS Questions & Answers for interview prep!
- How to Use Object-Oriented Programming in Python: Comprehensive info on OOP in Python
- Data Structures & Algorithms in Python: Overview of internal & user-defined data structures + algorithms in Python
- I Thought I Was Mastering Python Until I Discovered These Tricks: Tips for Python Developers
What are your short solutions to common problems in any language? Add them to
the table below to share with others. Be sure to add your snippet in the
directory and comment the code for the reader.
File name | Language | Description |
formatRawDate.js | Javascript | Format a raw date |
objectToFile.js | NodeJS | Write the contents of an object array to a file |
reduceObject.js | Javascript | Use .reduce to process and array, returning an object with the results |
validateDirPath.js | NodeJS | Validate that the path exists and is a directory |
- You Know More Than You Think: How build up your confidence as a Dev
- Deploy React and Express to Heroku: Step-by-step guide to create a React/Node app and deploy to Heroku
- How to deploy React App to GitHub Pages: Simple instructions to deploy React app on GitHub Pages
- A Short Introduction to the Scrum Methodology: How to embrace change in a project.
- What I Learned About Group Projects: Tips from a Chingu on how to be successful in a group project
- Introduction to Docker: An introduction into what docker is and how to use it.
- Zenhub 101: The Essential Guide: How to effectively use ZenHub to manage & track projects
Complete list of Github Markdown Emoji's: A complete list of emoji's you can use in Readme's.
Emoji Cheatsheet: Emojis for Github, Discord, and more!
gitmoji: More emojis for GitHub.
spam mimic: An interesting website that encodes messages to a generic spam message.