
Personal project to practice my backend skills

Primary LanguageJava

Money Transfer Demo

This repository houses the source code for a small-scale transfer service that I developed to enhance my expertise in backend development and tools such as Docker and Docker Compose.

How to run the service

  • Have Docker and Docker compose installed on your system
  • Clone the repository
  • Enter the misc folder and run the command:
docker compose up --build

About the transfer service:

  • You can create users

  • From users you can create bank accounts with or without a cnpj

  • Accounts with cnpj cannot transfer money to other accounts, just receive it

  • You can deposit money to an account

Payload examples


  • Create User: POST /users
  "name": "Jon Doe",
  "email": "jon@email.com",
  "cpf": "73755890038",
  "password": "123345678",
  "confirmationPassword": "123345678"
  • Get all Users: GET /users


  • Create Account: POST /accounts
  "userId": "2e3ac2b7-c0d5-411c-ab1f-ccf87d061811",
  "cnpj": "94943821000105" optional field
  • Deposit Money: POST /accounts/deposit
  "agency": 8476,
  "accountNumber": 62176,
  "amount": 100
  • Transfer Money: POST /accounts/transfer
  "payerId": "02ecf945-ab89-456f-9e58-d54246da85ce",
  "agency": 8476,
  "accountNumber": 62176,
  "amount": 100

Please be aware that you should save the account numbers upon creation for future use