Polylauncher is an unoffical launcher for polybar, it’s aim is to replace bash launch scripts for polybar by, allowing for a launcher to that is configured by a yaml file(Gui editor in development). It allows for easy integration into a dotfiles by allowing configurations to be assigned to the hostname of the computer.
The bars are launched by setting the barnames by the names of the bar in the pollybvar config file.
config_version: 1
polybar_config: ~/.config/polybar/config.ini
Edith: # <- hostname
- display: HDMI-0
bar_name: mainbar-bspwm
- display: DP-3
bar_name: side-bar-a
- display: DP-4
bar_name: side-bar-a
Laptop: # <- hostname
- display: HDMI-0
bar_name: mainbar-bspwm
Download the bin into you dotfiles and make it executable
wget https://github.com/RampedIndent/polylauncher/releases/download/1.0.0/polylauncher-daemon
mv polylauncher-daemon ~/dotfiles/bin
chmod +x ~/dotfiles/bin/polylauncher-daemon
Replace your existing launcher like so, in your auto start file
# $HOME/.config/polybar/launch.sh &
$HOME/dotfiles/bin/polylauncher-daemon &
And you are done.