
AI/Macchine learning on portfolio Selection

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook

Portfolio Optimization and Backtesting

This project demonstrates a simplified framework for portfolio optimization and backtesting using Python. It leverages historical stock data to construct optimal portfolios based on mean-variance optimization principles and evaluates their performance through backtesting.


The project consists of several key steps:

  1. Data Generation and Feature Engineering:

    • Simulated data is used to represent stock prices and volumes for a set of tickers (e.g., AAPL and MSFT).
    • Features such as daily returns and volatility are engineered from the data.
  2. Model Training:

    • DummyRegressor models are trained as placeholders for predicting future returns of stocks.
    • Trained models are saved for later use.
  3. Mean-Variance Optimization:

    • Utilizes historical returns predicted by the trained models to construct portfolios.
    • Optimizes portfolios to maximize the Sharpe ratio, which balances returns against risk.
  4. Portfolio Evaluation:

    • Evaluates the optimized portfolios based on their performance metrics, such as Sharpe ratio.
    • Identifies the portfolio with the highest Sharpe ratio as the optimal portfolio.
  5. Backtesting:

    • Tests the performance of the optimal portfolio on historical data not used in optimization.
    • Calculates cumulative returns over the backtesting period to assess portfolio performance.
  6. Visualization:

    • Visualizes the efficient frontier, which represents the set of optimal portfolios that offer the highest expected return for a given level of risk.
    • Highlights the optimal portfolio on the efficient frontier plot.

How It Works

  • Data Handling: Simulated data is used for demonstration purposes, but the framework can be adapted to real-world financial data sources.

  • Modeling: DummyRegressor models are employed here, but users can substitute with more sophisticated models trained on actual financial data.

  • Optimization: Mean-variance optimization is implemented using quadratic programming techniques from the CVXOPT library to find optimal portfolio weights.

  • Evaluation: Portfolios are evaluated based on their Sharpe ratios, which measure risk-adjusted returns.

  • Backtesting: The optimal portfolio is tested on historical data to gauge its performance in real-world scenarios.


To use this framework:

  • Replace simulated data with actual financial data retrieval logic.
  • Train models using real data and save them for future use.
  • Adjust optimization parameters and constraints as per specific investment goals and risk tolerance.


  • Python 3.x
  • Required libraries: pandas, numpy, scikit-learn, cvxopt, matplotlib



This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.