Assignment Instructions for Learning GitHub

Welcome to your GitHub learning assignment! This task will help you get familiar with key GitHub functionalities such as working with issues, pull requests, commits, adding files, making changes, and creating a repository.


  • Make sure you have a GitHub account.
  • You have been added to the repository SCA-technical-writing.

Steps to Complete the Assignment:

  1. Navigate to the Repository

    • Go to the GitHub website and log in to your account.
    • Navigate to the repository SCA-technical-writing that you have been added to.
  2. Exploring Issues

    • Click on the "Issues" tab in the repository.
    • You will see a list of issues that have already been created. Choose one issue to work on.
    • Read the details of the issue carefully. Leave a comment on the issue to indicate that you are working on it.
  3. Creating a Branch

    • Navigate to the "Code" tab.
    • Click on the dropdown menu next to the "main" branch.
    • Type a name for your new branch (e.g., issue-<number>-fix), and then click "Create branch: issue--fix".
  4. Adding and Modifying Files

    • Stay in your newly created branch.
    • To add a new file, click on the "Add file" button and select "Create new file".
    • Name your file and add some content relevant to the issue you are working on.
    • To modify an existing file, navigate to the file you want to edit and click on the pencil icon to open it in edit mode.
    • After making the changes, provide a meaningful commit message summarizing the changes you made, and commit the changes directly to your branch.
  5. Making Commits

    • Each time you make a change, commit your changes with a descriptive message.
    • Include a brief summary of what you changed and why it was necessary.
  6. Creating a Pull Request

    • Once you have made all necessary changes and committed them to your branch, navigate to the "Pull requests" tab.
    • Click on "New pull request".
    • Ensure the base branch is "main" and the compare branch is your branch (e.g., issue-<number>-fix).
    • Add a title and description to your pull request, explaining what changes you made and why.
    • Submit the pull request by clicking on "Create pull request".
  7. Reviewing and Merging Pull Requests

    • Wait for a review from the repository owner or another collaborator.
    • Address any feedback or requested changes by making additional commits to your branch.
    • Once the pull request is approved, merge it into the main branch.
  8. Closing Issues

    • After your pull request is merged, navigate back to the "Issues" tab.
    • Find the issue you worked on and close it by leaving a comment like "Fixed by PR #" and clicking the "Close issue" button.

Additional Tips to Familiarize more with GitHub:

  • Regularly check the repository for new issues or updates.
  • Engage with other collaborators by commenting on their issues and pull requests.
  • Make sure your commit messages are clear and concise.
  • Follow best practices for branching and pull request workflows.

Happy Learning!