
This is a simple example of using the https://github.com/RamyHakam/multi_tenancy_bundle

Primary LanguagePHP

Multi-Tenant Bundle Example

This is a simple example of using the https://github.com/RamyHakam/multi_tenancy_bundle

That bundle is a simple way to add multi-tenancy to your Symfony application.

You can check the bundle's README.md for the features list and configurations.

How To Use This Example

  1. Clone The repo
  2. Set DATABASE_URL in your .env file
  3. Composer install composer install
  4. Create the main DB using symfony console d:d:create
  5. Migrate the current migration files to your main db using symfony console d:m:m
  6. Create a new tenant by calling create-tenant route,This will create add a new tenant db to tenantdbConfig entity
  7. Exceute symfony console t:d:c to create and migrate the new database added in the previous step
  8. Call update-tenant-store route to add a new store category to your new tenant Db