
Symfony course Code content

Primary LanguagePHP

Symfony Course Code Repository

Welcome to the official code repository for our Symfony course! This repository is meticulously organized to enhance your learning experience and ensure you can follow along with each video effortlessly.

πŸ“š Repository Organization

Our code repository is uniquely structured around each video number in the course. This means you can easily find the exact code used in any specific video, allowing for a seamless learning experience.

πŸ”„ Resetting to a Specific Video's Code

To help you match your codebase with the one used in any particular video, we've implemented a convenient system of commits tagged by video number. Here’s how you can reset the repository to the state of the code as shown in the video you're currently watching:

  1. Clone the repository to your local machine (if you haven't already).
  2. Use the git checkout command followed by the tag corresponding to the video number. For example, to reset to the code used in video 5, you would use:
git checkout 34e3d5d 

This command will switch the state of your code to exactly match what's shown in video 5, ensuring you're always on track.

πŸ’¬ Discussions and Questions

Got questions? Stuck on a tricky bug? Don't worry; we've got you covered!

πŸš€ Asking Questions and Reporting Issues

We encourage all students to actively participate in the discussion section of this repository. It’s a space designed for you to:

  • Ask questions about the course content or specific pieces of code.
  • Report issues or bugs you encounter within the course code.
  • Engage in discussions and help your fellow students.

To ask a question or report an issue, simply navigate to the Issues tab of this repository and create a new issue. Be as detailed as possible to help us and your peers understand and address your concern efficiently.

🀝 Collaboration

We believe in the power of community and collaboration. Feel free to respond to your peers' questions in the discussion section. Sharing knowledge helps everyone in the community grow!

πŸ“ Final Notes

This repository is more than just code; it's a community hub for learning and collaboration. We're thrilled to have you here and can't wait to see the amazing things you'll build and learn. Let's make coding a fun and enriching journey together!