
:video_game: The Ruby 2D gem

Primary LanguageRubyMIT LicenseMIT

Welcome to Ruby 2D!

This is the Ruby 2D gem. Check out the website for help getting started, documentation, news, and more.

Running Tests

Ruby 2D uses both RSpec and custom tests. Run bundle install to get all development dependences.

Getting the Test Media

To keep the size of this repository small, media needed for tests are checked into the Simple 2D test_media repo and referenced as a Git submodule. After cloning this repo, init the submodule and get its contents by using:

git submodule init
git submodule update --remote

Alternatively, you can clone the repo and update the submodule in one step:

git clone --recursive https://github.com/ruby2d/ruby2d.git

Simply run git submodule update --remote anytime to get the latest changes from test_media (i.e. when there's a new commit available).

Available Tests

The current tests available are:

Run a test using rake <name_of_test>, for example:

rake testcard