


Create Security Group openvpn Edit Inbound Rules HTTPS 443 ALL ICMP-IPv4 SSH 22 ALL UDP 1194 ALL TCP 943

Create EC2 Instance *Application and OS Images (Amazon Machine Image) Choose AMI Click on Browse more AMIs Search openvpn

{{OpenVPN Access Server (5 Connected Devices) OpenVPN Inc.

2 AWS reviews | 31 external reviews Free Tier|Free Trial}}

*Key pair (login)

*Network settings

Select SG openvpn

Auto-assign public IP Disable

Launch Instance

Stop the Open vpn Instance

Create Elastic IP Associate to Openvpn Instance

Start the instance

Open Linux terminal in .Pem directory chmod 777 PK.pem ping Public IP (EIP) ssh -i PK.pem openvpnas@EIP

yes yes next all the way to create admin credentials

8.sudo -i passwd admin save passwd


Go to usermanagement create users

provide url to access public IP:943 (video for set up this)