Title # JavaScript-CodeQuiz


  • HTML and CSS and Javascript documents create a quiz with multiple choice questions with Javascript trivia
  • This project emphasizes the use of using Javascript to make dynamic changes to an HMTL document
  • This project utilizes the use of appending HTML pages

user Story

  • Given is a code quiz
  • When clicked the start button the a timer starts and user is presented with a question.
  • When user answer a question than the user is presented with another question
  • When the user answer a question incorrectly then the time is subtracted from the clock by -10sec.
  • When all questions are answered or the timer reaches 0 then the game is over.
  • When the game is over then the user can save his/her initials and score.


Please see below the screenshots when the Code is deployed:

startpage displayingquestion displayingCorrectanswer displayingwronganswer GameOver highscoreForm

deployed link and the git hub link

live link github repository

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