Pong is a two-player game where each player controls a paddle to hit a ball back and forth 🚀🕹️
- 1
Make "return to menu" button more visual
#52 opened by Ramzi-Abidi - 1
- 7
"Sweetalert" pops up whenever the user switches tabs and returns to the game.
#40 opened by Ramzi-Abidi - 6
Customize game theme
#45 opened by Ramzi-Abidi - 2
- 3
Customize the score to win
#30 opened by Ramzi-Abidi - 2
- 2
- 2
- 2
- 1
Add music to the background
#11 opened by Ramzi-Abidi - 0
- 0
Change text on the button "Star github"
#54 opened by Ramzi-Abidi - 0
- 0
[Feature] Adding rules view
#10 opened by Ramzi-Abidi - 0
- 1
Add sound when user clicks on any button
#44 opened by Ramzi-Abidi - 5
Play a sound once a player scores a goal.
#36 opened by Ramzi-Abidi - 2
Ad icons in menu section in home view
#46 opened by Ramzi-Abidi - 0
- 1
- 2
Add title "game is paused !" in pause mode
#39 opened by Ramzi-Abidi - 1
Pause the timer when user press "p"
#26 opened by Ramzi-Abidi - 2
Enhance home view
#23 opened by Ramzi-Abidi - 0
Update README file
#28 opened by Ramzi-Abidi - 0
styling the "return to menu" button.
#22 opened by Ramzi-Abidi - 2
Add "Star github repo" button to the home view
#31 opened by Ramzi-Abidi - 0
Seperating single-player mode on two-player mode.
#14 opened by Ramzi-Abidi - 0
Add a timer from top
#12 opened by Ramzi-Abidi