
A PHP library for indexing and searching documents within an Apache Solr installation.

Primary LanguagePHP


A PHP library for indexing and searching documents within an Apache Solr installation.

Features :

  1. Comapatable with Solr 7.x
  2. Quering, deleting, optimizing.
  3. Fast by using curl instead of file_get_content
  4. Using json for indexing instead of xml and you can use xml.

Installation :

Install Composer In Your Project

curl -sS https://getcomposer.org/installer | php

Install Solr PHP Client Library In Your Project

vim composer.json

"require": {

    "Ramzi-Alqrainy/solr-php": "dev-master",

$ php composer.phar install

How to use it :

Normal querying of Solr is very simple with this library to show an example:

		// Build Solr query
		$options = array (
				'qf' => 'contact_ss ',
				'q.op' => 'OR',
				'defType' => 'edismax',
				'sort' => 'contact_id desc',
Yii::$app->solr->get ( $query, $offset, $limit, $options );

That is what it takes to query Apche Solr. should use Yii::$app->solr (or whatever you have called the Solr application component in your configuration).

To setup the application you merely add it to your configuration. As an example:

    'components' => [