
Azure AD Client Credentials with Certificate code examples

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Azure AD Client Credentials with Certificate - Code Examples for Node.js

This is sample repository of code and helper function which I created for requesting Azure AD Tokens with the use of certificate credentials in Oauth2 Client Credentials Flow.


Dependencies and references

Dependencies NPM Description Use in project
jsonwebtoken An implementation of JSON Web Tokens Creation and sign-in of tokens
uuid For the creation of RFC4122 UUIDs JTI claim in token
axios Promise based HTTP client for the browser and node.js Used to call Azure AD Token Endpoint

OS and runtime

This package has been tested in mainstream versions of Linux, MacOS and Windows 10, with Node versions starting from 12.

OS Result

Further depedencies

  • Helpful example at redthunder.blog for Node.JS was used to generate X5T header in JWT tokens. The author is credited in the actual code, and in this readme as well.
     // code below from https://redthunder.blog/2017/06/08/jwts-jwks-kids-x5ts-oh-my/
      var sigOctets = shaSig.split(":");
      var sigBuffer = Buffer.alloc(sigOctets.length)
      for(var i=0; i<sigOctets.length; i++){
         sigBuffer.writeUInt8(parseInt(sigOctets[i], 16), i);
      //Perform base64url-encoding as per RFC7515 Appendix C
      // code 
  • OpenSSL is used in helper function for generating RSA key pair and X5T
  • Example for ca.conf was used from Github Gist by https://github.com/klingerf
    • This is needed for the creation of X509 rsa key pair, if you have production use case review carefully all params in the CA.CNF file and modify appropriately.

Reference documentation

The documentation for Microsoft Identity Platform authentication via certificate credentials has been main source for information for creating this example


The flow is sheer genius IMO: Embed JWT token in your request for the Azure AD request, get Access Token in response, Voila!

  1. Create Token: Create and sign JWT token with following claims using the JSONWEBTOKEN library
    // Example, peek code for actual implementation
    var claims = {
             "aud": `https://sts.windows.net/${tenantinfo}/`,
             "iss": appid,
             "sub": appid,
     // Code includes infor about the headers used
  2. Request: Send the token to Azure AD. Azure AD will check the signature with the public key that is stored in Azure AD for your application registration
//Example of request payload
grant_type: "client_credentials",
client_assertion_type: "urn:ietf:params:oauth:client-assertion-type:jwt-bearer",
client_id: appid,
client_assertion: "embeddedJWTTokenHere",
resource: "TheAPIbeingCalled"
  1. Response: If the Signature checks Azure AD will provide the client with new access token in the response.

    • this token is signed with private key of Azure AD, and meant to be verified by the Public key from tenant metadata (.well-known) by the API verifying this token


  2. Use the token to consume Azure AD protected API's


1. Generate RSA Key Pair and X5T with OpenSSL

  • For this you need to have openssl and installed, and available directly as openssl from command line without any path specified
  • In Linux openssl is often pre-installed
  • To generate a public/private pair key, you can use this command with openssl
      openssl req -newkey rsa:4096 -new -x509 -days 730 -keyout private.pem -out public.pem
  • Store these keys

2.1 Setup .env conf file

  • Populate values for appId and tenantId with values gotten from your Azure AD registration app
// from .env file at root directory
APP_ID=281dbb41-4sd7-45cb-vc21-9748584775z3 //APP ID on Azure AD
TENANT_ID=ds21563-358c-4fed-b0bf-73679c851aa0 //Azure AD Tenant ID
TENANT_URL=https://login.microsoftonline.com/ds21563-358c-4fed-b0bf-73679c851aa0/oauth2/token //login URL with Azure AD Tenant ID
PRIVATE_KEY=private.pem //private key from step 1
PUBLIC_KEY=public.pem //public key from step 1
PASSPHRASE=TEST //passphrase used for private key generation
ROOT_DIR=./ //root dir where keys can be find

2.2 Run createConfig.js

Navigate to the project root and start by installing depedencies with npm install

Then create configuration npm run createConfig

// expected result: config file created at \nodeconfig.json

3. Upload the public key for the App Registration

*(you can also use existing application)

  • Go to 'Certificates and Secrets' use the 'upload certificate' to upload the public1.pem key img
  • If the upload was successful you will see the public key in the portal under 'Certificates' img

4. Run npm run connectToAzure

Expected response includes the token:

AAD Response: { token_type: 'Bearer', expires_in: '3599', ext_expires_in: '3599', expires_on: '1611044393', not_before: '1611040493', resource: '784b0133-29b4-4d65-8168-f15477c4620b', access_token: 'g' }

5. End

Congratz. You've completed the workflow!