
Submit MS forms by puppeteer

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Submit MS forms by puppeteer


Create .env file in the root directory and add the following variables


ENV Options

  • URL: URL to the MS form
  • EMAIL: Your email
  • PASSWORD: Your password
  • RECEIPT: true if you want Send me an email receipt of my responses option to be checked
  • HEADLESS: true if you want to run the browser in headless mode
  • HEADLESS_LOGIN: true if you dont have MFA enabled (highly unlikely). If you have MFA enabled, set it to false
  • QUESTION_FILE: Path to the JSON file containing the answers to the questions

Creating Question File

JSON Format for questions is as follows

    "type": "select",
    "value": "Option 1",
    "values": ["Option 2", "Option 3"]
  • type can be one of select | radio | checkbox | text | textarea
  • values is required for checkbox
  • value is required for all other types

Getting Question IDs

For radio, checkbox: Inspect the input element (radio, checkbox) and copy the value of name attribute.

For select, text and textarea: Inspect the element and copy the value of aria-labelledby. The value is formatted like QuestionId_{QUESTION_ID} QuestionInfo_${QUESTION_ID}.


You can either use npm run start or directly execute node index.js.

Additional Tip

CronTab Command
E.g. 5 4 * * TUE cd /path/to/script/ && nvm use && node index.js
At 04:05 on Tuesday