Pinned Repositories
Codes Related to Sorting Algorithms and Data structures are uploaded here. In case of any question you can leave a question.
All the conversions from Decimal to Hexadecimal and Octal to Hexadecimal and vice versa;
All the data structres code would be here and can be gotten as it needs.
nodejs fileuploader
Queue in the standard template library is very useful because you don't have to implement the queue from the start you can use the containers and iterators of the queue template library and it will help you a lot.
in this repo this is described that how to integrate google maps api with ionic 4 app
UI components lib based on Ant Design for Angular
This project takes inputs of workers and user data and then after computing similarities among the workers and among the users. This project recommends top 10 workers to the active user.
RanaAsadFiaz's Repositories
Codes Related to Sorting Algorithms and Data structures are uploaded here. In case of any question you can leave a question.
All the conversions from Decimal to Hexadecimal and Octal to Hexadecimal and vice versa;
All the data structres code would be here and can be gotten as it needs.
nodejs fileuploader
Queue in the standard template library is very useful because you don't have to implement the queue from the start you can use the containers and iterators of the queue template library and it will help you a lot.
in this repo this is described that how to integrate google maps api with ionic 4 app
UI components lib based on Ant Design for Angular
This project takes inputs of workers and user data and then after computing similarities among the workers and among the users. This project recommends top 10 workers to the active user.
private app
How to make threads and use mutex and avoid deadlocks while doing multitasking with threads
Problem Tatiana likes to keep things tidy. Her toys are sorted from smallest to largest, her pencils are sorted from shortest to longest and her computers from oldest to newest. One day, when practicing her counting skills, she noticed that some integers, when written in base 10 with no leading zeroes, have their digits sorted in non-decreasing order. Some examples of this are 8, 123, 555, and 224488. She decided to call these numbers tidy. Numbers that do not have this property, like 20, 321, 495 and 999990, are not tidy. She just finished counting all positive integers in ascending order from 1 to N. What was the last tidy number she counted? Input The first line of the input gives the number of test cases, T. T lines follow. Each line describes a test case with a single integer N, the last number counted by Tatiana. Output For each test case, output one line containing Case #x: y, where x is the test case number (starting from 1) and y is the last tidy number counted by Tatiana. Limits 1 ≤ T ≤ 100. Small dataset 1 ≤ N ≤ 1000. Large dataset 1 ≤ N ≤ 1018. Sample Input 4 132 1000 7 111111111111111110 Output Case #1: 129 Case #2: 999 Case #3: 7 Case #4: 99999999999999999 Note that the last sample case would not appear in the Small dataset.