Simple report tool which generate report on state of maintenance branch in repository.
Contributions welcome, but make sure your code passes checkstyle and respects the formatting style before submitting a PR. Furthermore, all new files must contain the JBOSS copyright notice, templates for different IDEs can be found here.
Where possible, please try to link a commit to the GitHub issue that it aims to solve. Commit messages should be in the format "Issue #<Insert issue number here>: <Insert relevant message>". Note, ensure that there is a space before "#" so that GitHub can automatically transform the string into a link to the relevant issue.
Currently Charon is just a script which depends on:
All above dependencies must be met in order to run.
Accepted input must be in form of regular CSV values. Default delimiter character is ';'. Record values are as follows:
- ID of entry
- Contact URI
- Repository type: GIT,SVN, ARCHIVE
- Repository URL
- Maintenance branch if any
- Tag present in EAP - if any
- Version of artifact present in EAP/WFLY
- Maven GroupID
- Difference in commits between maintenance branch and tag
- CLOC report
- Comment
#Execution Simply call script with path to input file, as follows: ./config/inputEAP7.x.txt
#Outcome Report should be present in report directory.