
This Laravel app I use to learn and test new Laravel features and packages. It uses a dvdrental database that I borrowed from https://www.postgresqltutorial.com/postgresql-getting-started/postgresql-sample-database/.

Primary LanguagePHP


dvdrental is a Laravel app, that I used to learn and practice PostgreSQL. The postgres webpage (awesome tutorial, awesome explanation) uses an example of a dvd renting company database for explanation. This database is about movies, customers...

Reminder for me

The DB is in postgres. Check if the postgres service is running. Open Run Window by Winkey + R. Type services.msc Search Postgres service based on version installed. Click stop, start or restart the service option.

Use DBeaver once the postgres is running.

Start the app

run 'php artisan serve' in CLI, then go to


General description

See /routes/web.php. Here you will find all the description.

Testing raw DB queries and testing Eloquent


Learning about Jobs and Queues

app\Http\Controllers\JobController.php This topic is done in MySQL database. So, in order for this to work change from postgres db to mysql in the .env.

Sending emails


Events and Listeners

When the user clicks the 'EventCreator' button (that is on the page), that will send a GET request. The router will trigger the EventController.


... is installed. You can use either Debugbar, or Telescope.


... is here:


The app uses https://github.com/spatie/laravel-slack-alerts#quickly-send-a-message-to-slack package for sending a simple, hardcoded message to Slack. Now, for this to work, the Job/Queueu system must be set up also, this is mandatory, because the Spatie package uses Jobs. So in order to use this feature locally, you need terminals open:

  1. php artisan serve (starts the Laravel server)
  2. php artisan queue:work (starts the queue watcher LOCALLY)
