
This is a simple demo project as to practice combining ReactJS with ExpressJS.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


This is a simple demo project as to practice combining ReactJS with ExpressJS. It also uses Bootstrap3 library for the user interface, including the responsive design to the page width. Regarding React rendering, this project uses react-tools/JSX engine to precompile JSX-syntax components in components/ directory into plain JavasSript in public/javascripts directory.



How to Run the Demo?

  1. $ git clone https://github.com/Rancho06/ReactDemo.git
  2. $ cd ReactDemo/
  3. $ (sudo) npm install
  4. $ npm start OR node server.js
  5. browser to localhost:3000.

How to develop React Components?

  • Always add/edit in the components/ directory.
  • Install jsx engine globally by (sudo) npm install -g react-tools
  • Then, precompile jsx syntax to plain JavaScript by jsx components/ public/javascripts.