
Vagrant base setup for WordPress themes

Primary LanguageRuby

Vagrant WordPress Theme Base

by Mike Green


  1. Install Ansible if you don't already have it. You'll need it to provision the box. https://github.com/ansible/ansible
  2. Clone and cd into this repo
  3. Reinitialize the repo to make it your own like so: rm -rf .git && git init
  4. Edit Vagrantfile and change THEME_NAME to the name of your theme on line 26.
  5. Run vagrant up. Let it download the base box and provision it.
  6. Visit http://localhost:8888/ and setup WordPress. MySQL username is root, password is root, DB name is wordpress_dev
  7. Build a WordPress theme inside the build folder.

About the Base Box

The base box for this setup is an opinionated Debian Wheezy 64bit Linux installation that comes with the following goodies:

  • Nginx v1.6.1 from dotdeb.org
  • PHP v5.4.30 from dotdeb.org
  • Ruby v2.1.2
  • Node v0.10.29

I update the box around once a month, updating packages and installing whatever new stuff I need for projects. The box is available separately from this repo on Vagrant Cloud: https://vagrantcloud.com/mikedamage/wheezy64-wordpress-base