
changed file permission for Storage to 777 but left public as 755.

Changes made from 5.0 to 5.1

added files and directories to views:

views > app.blade.php
	- configured scripts and css libraries. e.g. sass, vue, bootstrap
	- in this master view page we changed the app.css to all.css for a future gulp compiled file
partials > nav.blade.php
auth >

emails directory > password.blade.php

errors directory > 503.blade.php

added files and directories to resources > assets:

assets > sass
sass > partials
partials > _colors.scss, _headers.scss
sass > app.scss

Deleted: less directory

added files and directories to public

css > vendor > bootstrap.min.css 
	copy pasted script from cdn
js > vendor > vue-resource.min.json
	copy pasted script from cdn

configure gulp file

in the gulpfile.js we edit the less to sass so we can compile with gulp

	elixir(function(mix) {

		], null, 'public/css');

changed gulp version to 3.9.0 in package.json file

updated routes and controllers

- added Authentication routes
- added PagesController@home routes

added controllers

Auth > PagesController.php
	-copy pasted file

left alone these directories, with different files than 5.0


update 8/4

added faker package to help make fake data see github for installation instructions

added laravel-debugbar to see debugbar() in browser see github repository for install instructions

added special links for glyphicon icons and font issue

added font awesome cdn