
Swiper component for React Native with previews and snapping effect. Compatible with Android & iOS.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Simple swiper component for React Native with previews and snapping effect. Compatible with Android & iOS. Pull requests are very welcome!

Table of contents

  1. Showcase
  2. Usage
  3. Props
  4. Methods
  5. Properties
  6. Example
  7. Tips and tricks
  8. TODO


You can try these examples live in Archriss' showcase app on android and ios. Note that the app is still WIP.

react-native-snap-carousel react-native-snap-carousel react-native-snap-carousel


$ npm install --save react-native-snap-carousel
import Carousel from 'react-native-snap-carousel';

    _renderItem (data, index) {
        return (

    render () {
          slideStyle={styles.slide} />


In addition of these props, you can provide any prop from ScrollView since it's using it both on Android & iOS.

Prop Description Type Default
items Array of items to loop on Array Required
sliderWidth The width in pixels of your slider Number Required
itemWidth Width in pixels of your items Number Required
renderItem Function returning a react element. The entry data is the 1st parameter, its index is the 2nd Function Required
shouldOptimizeUpdates whether to implement a shouldComponentUpdate strategy to minimize updates Boolean true
slideStyle Style of each item's container Number Required
swipeThreshold Delta x when swiping to trigger the snap Number 20
animationFunc Animated animation to use. Provide the name of the method String Timing
animationOptions Animation options to be merged with the default ones. Can be used w/ animationFunc Object { easing: Easing.elastic(1) }
firstItem Index of the first item to display Number 0
autoplay Trigger autoplay on mount Boolean false
autoplayInterval Delay in ms until navigating to the next item 3000
autoplayDelay Delay before enabling autoplay on startup & after releasing the touch Number 5000
enableSnap If enabled, releasing the touch will scroll to the center of the nearest/active item Number true
snapOnAndroid Snapping on android is kinda choppy, especially when swiping quickly so you can disable it Boolean false
containerCustomStyle Optional styles for Scrollview's global wrapper Number null
contentContainerCustomStyle Optional styles for Scrollview's items container Number null
inactiveSlideScale Value of the 'scale' transform applied to inactive slides Number 0.9
inactiveSlideOpacity Value of the opacity effect applied to inactive slides Number 1
onSnapToItem(slideIndex, itemData) Callback fired when navigating to an item Function undefined


  • startAutoplay (instantly = false) Start the autoplay manually
  • stopAutoplay () Stop the autoplay manually
  • snapToItem (index, animated = true) Snap to an item manually
  • snapToNext (animated = true) Snap to next item manually
  • snapToPrev (animated = true) Snap to previous item manually


  • currentIndex Current active item (int, starts at 0)


You can find the following example in the /example folder.


Tips and tricks

Margin between slides

If you need some extra horizontal margin between slides (besides the one resulting from the scale effect), you should add it as paddingHorizontal on the slide container. Make sure to take this into account when calculating item's width.

const slideWidth = 250;
const horizontalMargin = 40;
const itemWidth = slideWidth + horizontalMargin * 2;

const styles = Stylesheet.create({
    slide: {
        width: itemWidth
        // other styles for your item's container



  • Add 'loop' mode
  • Improve momemtum handling
  • Improve snap on Android
  • Handle changing props on-the-fly
  • Handle device orientation event
  • Add vertical implementation
  • Fix centering
  • Handle passing 1 item only