
E-commerce website - React.js, Firebase(v9), Rasa Chatbot

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Prominente E-commerce

This is a three-part project consisting of an e-commerce website, content management system (CMS), and an AI chatbot assistant.

Technology Stack

  • The e-commerce website and CMS is built with NextJS, TailwindCSS, and Firebase (v9)
  • The chatbot is built using Rasa, a framework for developing AI chatbots that utilizes natural language understanding (NLU)

System Features

E-commerce Website

  • Authentication
    • Signup with name, email, password
    • Login with email and password
    • Forgot password
    • Protected pages with private routes
    • Re-authentication on email update
  • Manage profile
    • Update personal information (name, address, contact)
    • Update account settings (email, password)
  • Add items to cart
    • Add/remove items
    • Update item quantity
  • Checkout items
    • Checkout restriction with incomplete account info
    • Categorized orders (pending, to receive, received, cancelled)
  • Notification system
    • Notify on account info update
    • Notify on order status update
    • Mark notifications as read
  • AI chatbot assistant
    • Computes glass pricing base on user input
    • Recommends appropriate materials base on user input
    • Answers basic questions about the business

Content Management System

  • Add and manage products being shown in the ecommerce website
    • Includes easy toggling of product availability/visibility
  • Display account information and orders of each registered user
  • Search, filter, and sort orders received from the ecommerce website
  • Update status of orders (pending, confirmed, unapproved, delivered)
  • Daily total income and product sales tracking


E-commerce Website

  • Home page
  • Auth page
  • Cart page
  • Profile page
  • Notifications
  • Orders
  • Chatbot basic chat
  • Chatbot compute glass price
  • Chatbot recommend materials

Content Management System

  • Users page
  • Orders page
  • Order modal
  • Products/inventory management
  • Sales/income tracking