
Animafi Aduana website

Primary LanguageTypeScript

Animafi Aduana Development Organization



Technologies :

Installation process :

  • clone repo
  • navigate to project root folder
  • install all dependencies with yarn or npm i
  • run with yarn start or npm
$ git clone https://github.com/RandolphG/animafiAduana.git
$ cd project folder
$ yarn or npm i
$ yarn start or npm start

State Management (Redux)

Application state is split mainly in three parts.

  • System
  • Properties
  • Users

Each state structure will be defined by application requirements under that state. Fundamental pieces to build partial root state are:

  • slice
  • epics
  • types


All of actions possible under that partial root state shall be placed here. This slice will create Reducer and its corresponding actions. Example:

const systemSlice = createSlice({
  name: "system",
  initialState: initState as SliceState,
  reducers: {
    requestLoginAction: (state, action: PayloadAction<IUserInput>) => {},
    requestLoginSuccessAction: (state, action: PayloadAction<ISystemState>) => {
      const { admin, status, token } = action.payload;
      state.admin = admin;
      state.status = status;
      state.token = token;
    requestCurrentUserActionSuccess: (
      action: PayloadAction<ICurrentUser>
    ) => {
      const name = action.payload.name;
      state.name = name;
    requestLoginActionFailure: (state, action: PayloadAction<Error>) => {}


This is very redux-observable specific. I recommend going through RxJS first before understanding this. Refer the documentation links given above. Example code:

export const doLoginEpic: Epic<Action, Action, RootState> = action$ =>
    switchMap<Action, Observable<Action>>(action =>
        catchError(error => of(sourceActions.requestLoginActionFailure(error)))


All input and state interfaces can be placed here. Example:

export interface ISystemState {
  readonly admin: Boolean;
  readonly status: string;
  readonly token: string;
  readonly temp: string;

export interface IUserInput {
  readonly username: string;
  readonly password: string;