
SAT solver unsatisfiability proof checker written in Lambda Prolog

Primary LanguagePython

Lambda Prolog LRAT Checker

A verified proof checker for unsatisfiability proofs for SAT solvers, written in Lambda Prolog. This can handle LRAT proofs, FRAT proofs, and DRAT proofs. This only checks a subset of all of these formats: clauses may only be justified by RUP proof lines, not RAT proof lines.


To check a proof, run


For example,

./check examples/lrat_paper/lrat_paper.cnf examples/lrat_paper/proof.lrat

If this succeeds, the result will show either VERIFIED or UNVERIFIED.

The LRAT format is the default. To use another format, use the -p option and give it the format---FRAT or DRAT. For example,

./check -p DRAT examples/lrat_paper/lrat_paper.cnf examples/lrat_paper/proof.drat


The proof of correctness of the proof checker can be found in the proof directory. The assumptions made in this proof are listed at the beginning of the proof file. The main assumptions are about one predicate from the proof checker specification that uses ! (cut) and fail from Lambda Prolog, about which Abella cannot reason. We verify that checking a problem (formula and unsatisfiability proof) and having a satisfying assignment is impossible.

Note that the program used to translate the DIMACS file and proof file into Lambda Prolog is written in Python and is not verified.

Software Requirements

This is assuming you are using Teyjus for Lambda Prolog. This con be obtained from GitHub, either by cloning the repository and building it or by downloading the binaries. The Makefile and check script assume all the Teyjus programs are on your path.

You might be able to use the proof checker with another Lambda Prolog implementation, but you will likely need to set up your own build and run scripts.

You will also need Python 3 to encode the problem into Lambda Prolog. This must be in your path as well as python3.

If you want to run the proof, you will need Abella installed.