
Here is a 100% Android app which checks if your device is running Huawei Harmony "OS" and try to get Some Class Infos using reflect APIs

Primary LanguageKotlin



Here is a 100% Android app which checks if your device is running Huawei Harmony "OS" and try to get some class infos using Java reflection.

Project for practising

As an android learner, I write this app completely for learning purpose.

100% Android

This app is developed on Android Studio and write completely in Kotlin.

Harmony OS Interopability with Android

With relection, we can clearly see some ohos classes are loaded into Dalvik VM, and they can be inspected. It's no different than other OEM's custom ROM except Huawei developed another Android UI framework at the same level of Android's own View system.


Java framework worked on Harmony OS 2 in 2021, later Huawei went for a new cross-platform JS-based UI framework and deprecated that one. HarmonyOS Next, released in 2024, removed all Android runtime thus their is no way this app could run.

About "Homo"

Is merely a homophonic translation for its Chinese name "鸿蒙" :)