Primary LanguagePython


This repository was used in our paper:

Target-adaptive Graph for Cross-target Stance Detection
Bin Liang, Yonghao Fu, Lin Gui*, Min Yang, Jiachen Du, Yulan He, Ruifeng Xu*. Proceedings of WWW 2021

Please cite our paper and kindly give a star for this repository if you use this code.


  • pytorch >= 0.4.0
  • numpy >= 1.13.3
  • sklearn
  • python 3.6 / 3.7
  • transformers

Pretrained Models

Download glove.42B.300d.zip from glove website and unzip in project root path.


  • Install SpaCy package and language models with
pip install spacy


python -m spacy download en
  • install requirements
pip install -r requirements.txt


  • Train with command, optional arguments could be found in train.py
python3 train.py 
  --model_name senticgcn 
  --dataset rest16 
  --save True 
  --learning_rate 1e-3 
  --batch_size 16 
  --hidden_dim 300