
registry for liquid assets

Primary LanguageHTML

Liquid Asset Registry

Running the server

$ cargo run --features 'cli server' --bin server -- -vv --db-path /path/to/db --addr --esplora-url https://blockstream.info/liquid/api/

Using the CLI

$ cargo run --bin liquid-asset-registry -- --help

asset_registry 0.1.0

    liquid-asset-registry [FLAGS] <SUBCOMMAND>

    -h, --help       Prints help information
    -V, --version    Prints version information
    -v, --verbose    Increase verbosity (up to 3 times)

    contract-json     print contract json in canonical serialization (sorted)
    help              Prints this message or the help of the given subcommand(s)
    register-asset    Send asset to registry
    verify-asset      Verify asset associations

Or build the executable:

$ cargo build --release
$ ./target/release/liquid-asset-registry --help

Registering an asset

Get your contract hash:

$ liquid-asset-registry contract-json --hash '{"version":0,"issuer_pubkey":"<your-hex-encoded-pubkey>","name":"Foo Coin","ticker":"FOO",precision:2,"entity":{"domain":"mydomain.com"}}'

(You may also run contract-json without --hash to only canonicalize the JSON with lexicographically sorted keys, then hash it yourself -- as a single SHA-256, but with its bytes reversed.)

Issue the asset on liquid using rawissueasset with your hash as the contract_hash parameter, wait for the issuance transaction to confirm, then submit the asset to the registry:

$ liquid-asset-registry register-asset --asset-id <asset-id> --contract <contract-json>

Verifying an asset

Verifies that the contract json is committed in the issuance transaction, that that issuance transaction was confirmed, and the domain ownership proof.

$ liquid-asset-registry verify-asset '<asset-json>' '<another-asset-json>' ..

For example:

$ curl https://assets.blockstream.info/<asset-id> > asset.json
$ liquid-asset-registry verify-asset "$(cat asset.json)"


Uses rocket for mock http servers, which requires nightly.

$ cargo +nightly test --features 'cli server client'  -- --test-threads 1


You may enable the dev feature to have domain proofs checked against<asset-id> instead of the real server.

Make sure to enable all the features for cargo check:

$ cargo check --features 'cli server client'