- 1
how do I import
#60 opened by periiDevl - 1
linker errors?
#59 opened by patrikpatrik - 7
Sliding boxes "catch" on edges in floor
#58 opened by njbradley - 1
- 4
This project is still alive?
#55 opened by cpusam - 0
- 0
- 0
Is memory management needed?
#50 opened by 1-max-1 - 0
q3Scene.Step is freezing
#52 opened by 1-max-1 - 3
- 5
I dont understand rotating boxes
#48 opened by Rorybabory - 21
Position of collision objects being null
#46 opened by Rorybabory - 1
Size of box
#47 opened by daanrutten - 4
qu3e for a voxel engine?
#45 opened by 999pingGG - 20
Consider triangle mesh support
#11 opened by Kazade - 7
assert (axis != 0)
#44 opened by Rorybabory - 1
consider asni c99
#29 opened by MarilynDafa - 4
- 1
- 3
- 6
Is it possible to set up without ImGUI?
#43 opened by MajickTek - 1
- 0
Demo does not compile on Windows
#37 opened by WalasPrime - 1
wrong comments
#34 opened by manmanhuahua - 7
Questions about naming
#31 opened by kaadmy - 4
Arch Linux compilation errors
#30 opened by kaadmy - 0
Duplicate dump data
#28 opened by tommai78101 - 12
Crash With Tree Balance.
#20 opened by PhilCK - 5
VS 2013 stack overflow
#8 opened by stevensona - 2
- 2
Potential bug in q3Body::RemoveBox
#14 opened by Kazade - 1
- 5
- 4
- 3
- 1
Add a release.
#7 opened by CtrlC-Root - 4
Fails to compile on OS X
#4 opened by listrophy - 7
About the unfinished features
#2 opened by ColinGilbert - 4
Installation manual
#3 opened by quique0194