
JavaScript arrays workshop for DecodeMTL full-stack bootcamp

DecodeMTL Array methods workshop

As a reference throughout this workshop, make sure to use the MDN documentation for Array.

If you prefer videos, here's a series of videos explaining filter/map/reduce:

Operational instructions

Fork this repository to your own GitHub and clone your fork in your work environment.

Create a file called answers.js which will hold your answers.

As soon as you do the first exercise, commit it, push it and create a pull request.

After each exercise make sure to commit/push this way we can monitor your progress in the pull request.

NOTE: You don't need to reset your answers.js file. Keep growing the file with each exercise, and make sure to add a comment so we know which exercise we are looking at.

Only the pos

Write a function called printPositives that takes an array and uses the forEach method to print only the positive numbers.

Get positive

Similar to the previous exercise, write a function called getPositives that takes an array and uses the filter method to return a new array with only the positive numbers.

Filter it out

Re-do exercise 1 by first filtering the input array, and then printing the numbers from the filtered array. Your code will look something like: return arr.filter(...).forEach(...).

Filter Array

Write a function called filterArray that takes a callback function and an array as arguments. Your filterArray function should return a new array that contains only the elements where the callback function returns true.

NOTE: This is a trick question. The answer is a one-liner and you are allowed to use array.filter :)

The Longest Word

Write a function called longestWord that takes a string as argument, and returns the longest word in the string. You should use Array.prototype.reduce to do your work.

Hint: You can use String.prototype.split to split the string into an array of words.

I'd like to buy a vowel

Write a function called countVowels that takes a string and returns the number of vowels in the string. You should use Array.prototype.reduce to do your work.

For the string "The quick brown fox", the output should be 5 because there is one e, one u, one i and two os.

Hint: You can use String.prototype.split again. There is a way to use it to split a string by character. Try to Google it :)

Hint 2: You can create an array of vowels and use Array.prototype.indexOf to check if the current letter is a vowel.

High? Low?

Write a function called highLow that takes an array of numbers, and returns an object with a property highest containing the highest number, and a property lowest containing the lowest number, using Array.prototype.reduce.

For example, starting with [1, -10, 20, 40, 5], your function should return {highest: 40, lowest: -10}.

Hint: Javascript has a special value called Infinity, which is higher than any other number. See if you can initialize your reduce accumulator with Infinity and -Infinity :)

Wheel of Fortune

Write a function called countChars that takes a string, and returns an object where the keys are letters, and the value is the number of times that letter appears.

For example, with input "hello world", the output should be:

  "h": 1,
  "e": 1,
  "l": 3,
  "o": 2,
  "w": 1,
  "r": 1,
  "d": 1

NOTE: Unlike arrays, objects don't have any ordering on them. When you print your object on the console, your keys may be displayed in a different order, and it does not matter.

Functional Programming

Let's take a break from calling array methods and think about a certain situation that occurs with the filter method. Array.prototype.filter will filter out elements where the callback function returns a falsy value. What if we wanted to do the opposite, and filter out elements which return a truthy value? Here's an example:

function isEven(num) {
  return num % 2 === 0;

var numbers = [4,8,15,16,23,42];
var evenNumbers = numbers.filter(isEven);

If we want to filter for odd numbers, we have to create a new function that returns true if a number is odd. Here's one way:

function isOdd(num) {
  return num % 2 === 1;

But we can do better, and re-use the isEven function that we had before:

function isOdd(num) {
  return !isEven(num);

That's great! It's even a bit more clearer, and we don't have to rewrite the logic. Here's another example:

function isEmpty(someList) {
  return list.length === 0;

function isNotEmpty(someList) {
  return !isEmpty(list);

There's a common pattern repeating itself here: whenever we want to create a function that negates the result of another function, we're simply calling the original function with the same parameters, and prefixing the call with a !. This will invert the boolean result from the original function, giving us exactly what we need.

However, we can do better than writing out a new function manually every time we want to create a negated version of a function. Let's use higher-order functions to do just that.

In this exercise, your goal is to create a negate function. negate takes one parameter: another function. negate should return a function that, when called, will return the opposite of what the input function would return on the same input.

To make things simpler, you can assume that the original function only takes one parameter. Here's how I should be able to use your code:

function negate(fn) {
  // your solution goes here

// Original functions
function isEven(num) {
  return num % 2 === 0;
function isEmpty(someList) {
  return someList.length === 0;

// New functions
var isOdd = negate(isEven);
var isNotEmpty = negate(empty);

[1,2,3].filter(isEven) // [2]
[1,2,3].filter(isOdd) // [1,3]


As a challenge, provide a more complete version of the negate function that will work with any number of parameters. For example, it should work with the following:

function firstDividesSecond(first, second) {
  return second % first === 0;

var firstDoesNotDivideSecond = negate(firstDividesSecond);

Here, since the original function takes two parameters, your negate should call it with two parameters. But for this challenge, you should make negate work for an arbitrary number of parameters. Hint: you can use the arguments keyword :)

Find by ID

Starting on week 3 of the bootcamp, we will be learning about databases. Databases are useful for saving data for long periods of time.

Contrary to a JavaScript program, where all the data disappears when the program terminates, databases keep their data "forever".

In this exercise, we're going to imagine that we are storing people information in a database, and that we queried our database to retrieve a list of people.

Our database returns to us an array of people objects, and each of them has a unique ID that the database uses to refer to it.

Here's what our person data could look like:

    "id": "KeXoYg92is",
    "firstName": "John",
    "lastName": "Smith",
    "email": "john@smith.com"
    "id": "NkALmSWtUp",
    "firstName": "Donald",
    "lastName": "Duck",
    "email": "don@disney.com"
    "id": "m7LPbJYSUg",
    "firstName": "John",
    "lastName": "Vader",
    "email": "vader@darkside.com"

For this exercise, we want to use Array.prototype.reduce to transform our array of people into an object, keyed with the unique ID.

The end result should look like this:

  "KeXoYg92is": {
    "id": "KeXoYg92is",
    "firstName": "John",
    "lastName": "Smith",
    "email": "john@smith.com"
  "NkALmSWtUp": {
    "id": "NkALmSWtUp",
    "firstName": "Donald",
    "lastName": "Duck",
    "email": "don@disney.com"
  "m7LPbJYSUg": {
    "id": "m7LPbJYSUg",
    "firstName": "John",
    "lastName": "Vader",
    "email": "vader@darkside.com"

This object could be useful if we are often looking up people by their unique ID.

Write a function called peopleById that takes an array of people and returns an object where each person is keyed by their unique ID.

You have effectively created what we call an index, not unlike the one you have in your phonebook.

Find by First Name

Expanding on the previous exercise, this time we are going to create an index on first names. Notice how in the previous exercise, each ID was unique. In this case, two people have the same first name.

We want to create a function called peopleByFirstName that will take an array of people and return something that looks like this:

  "John": [
      "id": "KeXoYg92is",
      "firstName": "John",
      "lastName": "Smith",
      "email": "john@smith.com"
      "id": "m7LPbJYSUg",
      "firstName": "John",
      "lastName": "Vader",
      "email": "vader@darkside.com"
  "Donald": [
      "id": "NkALmSWtUp",
      "firstName": "Donald",
      "lastName": "Duck",
      "email": "don@disney.com"

You have effectively created an index on first name. This lets you find all people called, say, "John" without having to look through the whole results.

High? Low? Part 2!

Expanding on a previous exercise, write a function called highLowTwo that takes an array of numbers, and returns the higest, second highest, lowest, and second lowest numbers.

For example, starting with [1, -10, 20, 40, 5], your function should return:

  "highest": 40,
  "secondHighest": 20,
  "lowest": -10,
  "secondLowest": 5

Functional Programming Part 2

Start or continue the activity Functional programming in JavaScript.