The resources are essential tools you'll use day in and day out as a web developer.
Hopefully this repo can serve as a source of inspiration for all the web developer resources!
- bootstrapr.io
- colorlib.com
- freehtml5.co
- graygrids.com
- html5up.net
- inovatik.com
- mobirise.com
- templated.co
- templatemo.com
- uicookies.com
- uideck.com
- w3layouts.com
- css.gg
- devicon.dev
- feathericons.com
- fontello.com
- heroicons.com
- icomoon.io
- icones.js.org
- ionicons.com
- phosphoricons.com
- tablericons.com
- thenounproject.com
- Canvas.js
- Chart.js
- Chartist.js
- Cytoscape.js
- D3.js
- Dygraphs
- Ember Charts
- Fusion Charts
- High charts
- Morris.js
- n3-charts
- Plottable.js
- Sigma.js
- CSSViewer - Chrome - Firefox
- GoFullPage - Chrome - Firefox
- JSONVier - Chrome - Mozilla
- Wappalyzer - Chrome - Firefox
- Web Developer - Chrome - Firefox
- Window Resizer - Chrome - Firefox